
Remembering May 13 and what it was not

By Stephen Ng  FIVE DAYS from today will be the 54 th   anniversary of May 13 which was never a racial riot although it was made to look like one. A senior citizen who lived as a teenager in Kampung Dato’ Keramat tells of his story how that during the May 13 riot in 1969, the Malay neighbours rallied around the family to protect them. Prof Datuk Elizabeth Lee She was only 10 and was caught with her family in the Loke Yew district next to the infamous gangster area behind the Shaw Road Fire and Rescue Services station when the clashes erupted. “We were stuck in my parents’ shop house in a fiercely guarded Chinese area when the chaos broke out,” she says. “We hid and gave refuge to the neighbour’s Malay security guard until the authorities came days later to rescue the stranded.” In reality, there were indeed clashes between UMNO under the leadership of the late Datuk Seri Harun Idris Harun who was then Selangor Menteri Besar and some over-zealous members of DAP and Gerakan in Kuala Lump

REFORMS: Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

Hanya pergi ke YouTube dan TikTok, dan anda akan melihat berapa banyak kes selain kes besar yang melibatkan Tun dan isterinya, dan kes lain yang menunggu siasatan lanjut melibatkan bekas Perdana Menteri dan anak lelakinya.            Inilah pembaharuan yang dinanti-nantikan oleh rakyat Malaysia. Apabila ia berlaku, nampaknya tiada siapa yang mengambil tahu. Sebaliknya, kita mendengar semua propaganda setiap hari bahawa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak menjalankan tugasnya.           Lihat sendiri semua video di sini. Pergi ke YouTube dan TikTok dan cari MACC atau SPRM, dan anda akan melihat lebih banyak lagi.... ENGLISH Just go YouTube and TikTok, and you will see how many cases apart from the big cases involving a Tun and his wife, and other cases pending further investigation involving a former Prime Minister and his sons.           This is the reform that the people of Malaysia have been looking forward to. When it happens, no one seems to take notice. Instead, we are

REFORMS: Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs Ministry

RAKYAT MALAYSIA perlu menerima pembaharuan kepada undang-undang negara dan melihat peningkatan kepada negara dalam jangka masa panjang.           Lagipun, bukankah ini yang kita perjuangkan selama ini untuk melihat pembaharuan kepada negara demi generasi masa depan kita? Mampukah kita menanggung segala ketirisan yang gagal ditangani oleh pentadbiran terdahulu?           Lihat semua video yang kini disiarkan di YouTube. Terdapat banyak video lain yang tersedia di TikTok. Hanya muat turun Aplikasi dan cari KPDN, dan anda akan mempunyai akses kepada sekurang-kurangnya 100 video serbuan KPDN. ENGLISH MALAYSIANS have to embrace reforms to the country's laws and see improvement to the country in the long term.          After all, isn't this what we have been fighting for to see reforms to the country for the sake of our future generation? Can we afford all the leakages which have failed to be addressed by past administrations?          Look at all videos that are now broadcast on You

Perbezaan antara Saifuddin Nasution dan Ahmad Fadhli Shaari

APAKAH bezanya antara dua parti dan dua ahli politik, satu dari PKR dan seorang lagi dari parti Islam, PAS?           Dalam isu kewarganegaraan, terutama sekali untuk anak-anak yang dilahirkan di Malaysia tanpa status kewarganegaraan, jelas ternampak perbezaan di antara  YB Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail dan Ketua Penerangan PAS  Ahmad Fadhli Shaari.           Kebanyakan kes ini bukannya mereka yang datang dari luarnegara tetapi anak-anak yang lahir di Malaysia, dan atas sebab kelalaian ibubapa mereka, anak-anak ini tidak mempunyai status kewarganegaraan di negara di mana mereka dilahirkan.           Kelalaian ibubapa serta perbuatan zina  mereka ini memang salah di sisi undang-undang, tetapi kenapakah anak-anak yang tidak memilih untuk dilahirkan mengalami kesukaran untuk mendapat kewarganegaraan untuk terus hidup seperti orang lain serta menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara?           Di sini isunya adalah politik bukannya isu negara tidak cukup pekerja. Ya

What is the meaning of Minister?

  This was how it was in the past... WHEN people think of the word 'minister,' they often envision a VIP being chauffeured in a convoy of police outriders and other official vehicles.           This was in the past. But ever since, ministers are no longer entitled to police outriders.  Correct Meaning           Truth is, the word 'minister' originates from the Greek word, 'δουλος’. In short, a minister is a 'servant.'           Hence, t o minister to a sick person means to serve and look after her, according to her needs until she is fully recovered and well again.           There is no room for ministers to be aloof, or refusing to respond to the ordinary citizens. During the last Pakatan Harapan 22-month stint, this was the type of complaints I heard against certain ministers.            These people forget that it is the people who placed them there; once elected, they become arrogant, thinking that their success is because of their own abilities. Two Typ

Anwar's directive is to ensure Govt not perceived as influencing voters' choice in Sg Bakap by-election

  IT is unwise for Minister of Housing & Local Government, Nga Kor Ming to announce an allocation of RM300,000 for Sg Bakap especially at a time when the upcoming by-election is just weeks away.          Earlier, Nga had done the same thing during the lead-up to the Kuala Kubu Baru by-election, by announcing an allocation of RM4.82  million for 14 projects under the supervision of the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council (MPHS) and the Chinese New Village Project in Hulu Selangor.          This has, of course, attracted criticisms from the Bersih movement.           If taxpayers' money is used to fish for votes, it makes the DAP no difference to the parties in the previous governments. By engaging with cheap votes, the party may win a certain constituency, but lose the respect of the country's voters as a result, especially with many people asking, "Where is the reform promised by Pakatan Harapan?"           As such, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was forced

Singaporean commentator: "Anwar is making all the right decisions"

  Malaysians may not heard of Mr Loo Cheng Chuan but he is no stranger to Singaporeans. He is the founder of the 1M65 Movement — the movement to hit $1 million by age 65 — through which he teaches investment strategies to those faithful to this million-dollar goal. By optimising the use of his and his spouse’s CPF funds, he has since updated their goal to be 4M65 — with an eye on 5M65. He achieved multi-millionaire status at the age of 50