REFORMS: Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

Hanya pergi ke YouTube dan TikTok, dan anda akan melihat berapa banyak kes selain kes besar yang melibatkan Tun dan isterinya, dan kes lain yang menunggu siasatan lanjut melibatkan bekas Perdana Menteri dan anak lelakinya.

        Inilah pembaharuan yang dinanti-nantikan oleh rakyat Malaysia. Apabila ia berlaku, nampaknya tiada siapa yang mengambil tahu. Sebaliknya, kita mendengar semua propaganda setiap hari bahawa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak menjalankan tugasnya.

        Lihat sendiri semua video di sini. Pergi ke YouTube dan TikTok dan cari MACC atau SPRM, dan anda akan melihat lebih banyak lagi....


Just go YouTube and TikTok, and you will see how many cases apart from the big cases involving a Tun and his wife, and other cases pending further investigation involving a former Prime Minister and his sons. 

        This is the reform that the people of Malaysia have been looking forward to. When it happens, no one seems to take notice. Instead, we are listening to all the propaganda every day that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is not doing his job. 

        See for yourself all the videos here. Go to YouTube and TikTok and search for MACC or SPRM, and you will see more....

More than RM25 billion recovered by MACC

Also see:

Almost every week, there are more and more cases added to the pages of MACC's Corruption Offenders Database. Will you be the next? It is not too late. There is time to change your way now. Now, there are over 40 pages, almost doubled from a year ago.


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