
Showing posts from October, 2023

Am I surprised with Anwar's latest call for Solidarity with Palestine?

MANY people expressed to me their surprise what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) did recently in his solidarity with Palestinians.   Yes, while I am not amused with the involvement of schools with the Solidarity with Palestine, I think Anwar was also caught by surprise that some schools and teachers had gone too far, expressing their tendencies towards extremism. But this is probably an eye-opener to the government that such extremism exists in our schools and must be dealt with before this brings Malaysia into becoming another Taliban state.  The video above came out of the public schools. The one below is allegedly from a Tahfiz school. I think young children should be given a conducive learning environment where they can be educated and help the country's future. As parents we would not feel comfortable if our children are forced to attend events where certain school principals or teachers are grooming them into pawns to be sent to war.   In the Israel-Ghaza confli

Terimakasih Dr Zaliha, Dr Siti Mariah & pegawai (-pegawai)

Untuk Bahasa Inggerisnya, sila tatal (scroll) ke bawah. Terimakasih Dr Zaliha (Menteri Kesihatan), Dr Siti Mariah (Mantan Ahli Exco Kesihatan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor) dan Pegawai (-Pegawai) yang menguruskan pemulihan tiga set tangga di Klinik Kesihatan Taman Ehsan yang dibina tanpa mengikut spesifikasi 12 tahun lalu.  Kerana keprihatinan Puan/Tuan, walaupun tiada bajet tetapi pegawai tetap usahakan mencari “Savings” dari projek-projek lain untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Bravo, Tuan/Puan. Panggilan yang saya terima bulan Mac ini memang menunjukkan Tuan benar-benar cuba mengusahakan masaalah orang yang jatuh tangga.  Sekarang penjawat awam termasuk pegawai kesihatan serta orang awam yang saya temui hari ini amat bersyukur kerana ada menteri dan Adun yang prihatin terhadap keselamatan mereka.  Saya meninggalkan klinik tersebut dengan kata-kata menggalakkan penjawat awam: menteri dan mantan Ahli EXCO prihatin, sekarang kamu semua kuatkan semangat dan naikkan taraf perkhidmatan kepada pe