Am I surprised with Anwar's latest call for Solidarity with Palestine?

MANY people expressed to me their surprise what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) did recently in his solidarity with Palestinians.  

Yes, while I am not amused with the involvement of schools with the Solidarity with Palestine, I think Anwar was also caught by surprise that some schools and teachers had gone too far, expressing their tendencies towards extremism. But this is probably an eye-opener to the government that such extremism exists in our schools and must be dealt with before this brings Malaysia into becoming another Taliban state. 

The video above came out of the public schools. The one below is allegedly from a Tahfiz school.

I think young children should be given a conducive learning environment where they can be educated and help the country's future. As parents we would not feel comfortable if our children are forced to attend events where certain school principals or teachers are grooming them into pawns to be sent to war.  

In the Israel-Ghaza conflict, I prefer to remain neutral -- if I were to represent the country at the United Nations, I would call for ceasefire on both sides in the name of Peace. Just as there are Muslim Arabs, there are also Christian Arabs. In Israel, we also have Israeli Christians. Peace is what I would pursue, not war because no one is a victor in a war. Both sides will end up with casualties.  

This is why I urge that all of us must be more analytical and not be easily influenced by the propanganda from both sides. 

Understanding Anwar

But to understand Anwar, one has to know his background. Watching the biopic movie of Anwar: The Untold Story on Netflix is a good start. 

Someone shared this video with me which helps me to explain what I already know.  This video will help you understand who PMX is in the past, and why he is doing what he is doing now,

Other prime ministers in the past also have their own past idiosyncrasies. Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for example, was allegedly one of the three young Turks who played up May 13 incident (Kia Song, Kua. May 13). Najib was allegedly having brandished his kris in 1987, remember? Anwar, on the other hand, was with ABIM. 

However, I have to say that some things he is doing now does not bode well with his status as the country's top leader. I hope by now he understands that some of his rash actions will affect the country's image in the international community. If he wants to support Palestine, by all means, but it should not jeopardise the country's good relations with the other nations, or else, we may end up another Pakistan or Iran. At best, Malaysia as a member of the Non-Aligned Movement should remain neutral and build bridges with other nations. The world does not need a third world war. 

Giving him a Chance

Yet, I would give him a chance at least to see if he performs to the best he can. 

There is still a lot of room to improve and I do not e
xpect Anwar to be an angel, nor to be able to turn Malaysia around in just one term. But, he and his cabinet members have to show that they are being fair to all Malaysians, and return Malaysia to its past glory.

Do I trust Anwar? Of course, not 100%, because no human is infallible.  but I will continue to observe his actions, criticise him if I may when he goes on the wrong path, and hopefully, with some positive influence, bring him to a realisation of how he could have done better as a prime minister. I am no kaki bodek

Although Anwar has the charisma of an orator, I think he is sometimes clueless of what to do, especially when faced with resistance from deep state. Sometimes, the very people whom we can all see as a potential problem, he rather postpone the decision until something like the Sheraton Move happened.  

I know Anwar wants to get everyone including his own enemies to work with him. But, he has to ask himself: Is this practical? Would they want to work with him? Or, would they just turn out to be another Brutus in the life of Julius Caesar? He has to know who he can win over, and forget those who will never change allegiance no matter how he woos them. Losing the existing support base which took him some two decades to build up in order to try to win over the unwinnable will just spell doom for him. Period. 

Who am I?

Am I an Anwar's Macai? Certainly not! I am not paid a single Sen till now. Maybe some day he may engage me to write his books. I will charge him a lot, at least, so that I make enough to pay for my children's higher education. it is pure work for money.

Well, if I am not Anwar's Macai, who am I? I am just an ordinary Malaysian, with a role to play as "salt and light." Salt is to preserve our society from the rot; light is to shine in a world full of darkness where people no longer think or analyse things as much. I give credit to whom credit is due; and brickbats to people who deserve it.

If ever I have a job, it is to urge Anwar to remain true to the good cause that he has set up to do. What I do see is that, since he and the unity government was formed, they have worked on a number of issues that have plagued our nation for the past 60 years: Corruption, 3Rs, statelessness, medical interns, Malaysia Agreement, among others. 

There are still many other issues that Anwar needs to do such as delivery of services by the third tier of government, fairness to all Malaysians, especially the B40 in East Malaysia, the Orang Asli and the Indians in West Malaysia.

There are also many B40 amongst the Chinese. It's not only the Malays who are poor, my friend. Therefore, it is time for Anwar to slowly remove the clutch from the Malays, instead of keep emphasising one race in the first 10 months. 

The Bumiputra in this country will have to learn to be independent (berdikari) and stand up on their own two feet, build up their career or businesses, if we want the country to progress and become a First World nation or at least, for now, stay ahead of other ASEAN nations like we used to be. 

Malaysians at large have to work hard and be productive. They should not follow the example of a few who make it big on corruption money or illegal money from scamming others. 


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