
Showing posts from February, 2025

Let's Meet, Reminscent (old times) Together

The idea of Let's M eet, R eminiscent (old times) T ogether stations was conceived when a former mayor of Kuala Lumpur City Hall and I were planning to meet for coffee.          The mayor and I had been in communication with each other as usual by Whatsapp. Good people, I will want to meet in person, whenever there is an opportunity. Many I would love to meet, but time constrains for physical meetings.          Firstly, it is the dread of driving all the way to Putrajaya. If in Kuala Lumpur, there is the traffic jam and the carpark issues.           This was when I suggested why not meet somewhere central and convenient to get into. If in the city, then we should pick a place that is accessible via MRT.           The retired mayor said he would drive but thankfully he agreed to meet somewhere nearest to the MRT station I could get off.           Bu...

Give peacocks a different tune to dance to

THERE are many efforts to push for reforms.  See how systemic is the corruption culture in the country. Even though the Madani government and MACC has stepped up its raids like never before on immigrations, customs, border patrols, there are still people daring to be involved in corruption. It is good that agents are on the ground to investigate.  Depending on whistleblowers alone won’t always work. That is why PMX gave more budget to beef up the MACC.  Plus, MACC and Auditor General’s Chamber (AGC) have a collaboration now. Most cases require forensic auditors to trace the money trails in order to build up a strong case.  This, along with yesterday’s PAC hearing on escalating costs insurance and hospitalisation are positive reforms I see, promised by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. This will answer many of your concerns when you were led to think there were no reforms within the first two years of the Madani government. Local Government / Local Authority (PBT) Reforms...

Mitigating Risk Exposure of Bank Clients to Scammers

Practically every other day there is a scam story oaffecting people who may have accidentally clicked on a Malware link unknowingly.          Once their phones are controlled by the hackers, the money in their bank accounts will disappear in no time, because of the banking apps are installed on their phones.           There is a way that the government and the public can reduce the risks of such problem: making it mandatory for people to keep their money in bank accounts where the apps are only installed on a safe device dedicated only for the use of banking apps. 

Cadangan kepada PDRM

  Di negara Afrika Selatan, terutamanya Johannesburg, masalah jenayah itu amat besar. Pagar keliling tempat penginapan dan hotel dibekalkan dengan elektrik untuk mencegah bukan sahaja monyet, tetapi orang memanjat pagar.          Di sini juga saya melihat bagaimana polis Afrika Selatan menjalankan tugas memerangi jenayah. Seperti apa yang kita dapat lihat dalam tayangan seperti siri NYPD, kenderaan polis juga ditempatkan di persimpangan-persimpangan yang strategik. Dua atau mungkin tiga orang akan menunggu dalam kereta peronda mereka.           Apabila berlaku sebarang jenayah dan mereka dihubungi menerusi saluran radio, kereta peronda akan mengejar ke tempat yang terdekat.          Begitu juga saya dengar bagaimana Polis Singapura menggunakan strategi yang sama. Saya difahamkan oleh abang saudara saya yang berkhidmat dengan Polis Singapura, mereka ada balai kecil di setiap pelusuk republik itu.  ...

A more "radicalised" Malaysia?

  Tell me why I am not frustrated with some of our fellow Malaysians who are out there to destroy all the good work that the government is doing by blaming literally EVERYTHING on just one man - Anwar Ibrahim.           There must be people willing to be paid heftily by certain individuals trying to topple Anwar. Why? Because they and their family members may be arrested for corruption, nepotism and cronyism? We all know this is long overdue.           Even the above that I received as a video clip showing some students in a school in Kamunting being taught to go on a jihad. Yes, it is true that, while these kids should be given a more proper and thorough education in Mathematic and the Sciences, they are being "radicalised" but, come on, why must it be Anwar doing it?          Perhaps, give time to the Minister of Education, Fadhlina Sidek to respond to this. Is she encouraging it or discouraging ...

Keeping your neighbourhood free from illegal dumps

  Save these numbers on your Phone. Use the WhatsApp to channel photographs showing the illegal dumps. 

Where does Malaysia stand currently?

This speech is one of the most brilliant explanations of Malaysia’s position on the global stage. You have to listen to it.       I have been trying to explain why Anwar has been actively engaging with world leaders. As we become increasingly interconnected in a globalised world, it is crucial for him to build relationships across all sides—while always prioritising the interests of Malaysians.       No Prime Minister in Malaysia’s history has faced as much opposition as Anwar, with attacks coming from four key directions: Dr. Mahathir/the late Daim, Muhyiddin, Hadi, and Najib/UMNO. You can observe this in the news everyday.       The current unity government was formed out of necessity. Looking ahead to post-GE16, we must be prepared for the possibility of another coalition government, potentially with even more unlikely partners, simply to secure a majority.       Unless one coalition has a simple majority, without such ...