
Stateless people are the Elephant in the Room

By Stephen Ng I WISH to thank both Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and especially Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail as well as his former political secretary, Johari Kassim who have worked diligently to solve the problem of stateless people.           Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”           Yet, people are more precious in the eyes of the Almighty. The unity government has undertaken a task that no other governments in the past wanted to look into – the plight of over a hundred thousand stateless people in the country. Background           This problem, which resulted from the amendment to the federal constitution from jus soli to jus sanguinis , has robbed these stateless people of a good future.           As we look back to the parliamentary debate on January 31, 1962 (refer Hansard Vol III (42)), it is obvious that the amendments were


  Point 1. I AM fed up with all the articles which are in circulation now trying to implicate Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) for ALMOST EVERYTHING, including the commutation of disgraced former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.  Even though there are so many good explanations given by people such as the above by a senior lawyer, Datuk Kenny Ng, people still put on their blinkers and prefer to be led by the nose hook.  I am glad to quote my friend, Kenny. I think his summary is very succint. He has hit the nail on the head. People can call him and others who disagree with them as 'Anwar's barua ' but I sometimes want to ask, whose barua do they belong to then?    Constitutionally what AI said is entirely correct. The prosecution by the AGC represents the action of the Executive whereas the trial of Najib was the action of the Judiciary independent from the Executive. Once justice finally ends at the Judiciary, then mercy begins with the King as t

Berry's Controversy: This is all Common Sense which is so lacking in some people these days

THE controversy kicked up by Berry’s Cake house has turned many netizens aghast with the country’s so-called “latest development,” and as usual, some even blame Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for not doing anything.           In fact, what is otherwise a non-issue has hurt the feelings of many netizens judging from the complaints made on social media.            In all my 43 years, whenever there is Christmas luncheon or dinner, whether locally or abroad, fruit cakes may be served, but never icing cakes, even in the traditional Western homes.   Injustice to both JAKIM and Minister            Injustice has already been done to JAKIM and Minister i n the Prime Minister's Department in charge of religious affairs,  Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar  to the point that they had to do damage control, no thanks to the controversy sparked by a circular issued by the Operations Manager of Berry's, Daniel Teoh Abdullah.  Photographs from Teoh’s social media are also being shared onlin

Credit to whom credit is due

  AS usual, credit to whom credit is due. I am just doing what I need to do as a citizen who tries to intervene to help solve some problems.          I think the credit should go to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, his cabinet minister, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and his political secretary, Tuan Johari Kassim. Also, to YB Lim Lip Eng when he was the Segambut MP and current MP, Hannah Yeoh for handling a few more cases in the past. With a new minister, there is a future for the stateless people.           Through Anwar's concept of the Madani (civilised) government, many stateless people's cases have been solved: something that no other politicians in the past cared about, since they did not mean an additional vote for themselves.           This year, for the first time in Malaysia's history, a Home Minister has prioritised the problem in the country involving thousands of stateless people. In 2023 alone, the Department of Registration (JPN) has processed

Please vote wisely... Debate by all means until everything is clear....

  Unless the federal constitution is amended, stateless people have nowhere to turn to… AMINAH wakes up to another grim day knowing that she is stateless, and there is nothing much she can do about it. The federal constitution does not recognise her as a Malaysian citizen although her father is a Malaysian. Arokiasamy Abdullah and Fatimah are a childless couple who decided to adopt a boy from the orphanage in Rawang. Their child, later named, Zaid Abdullah was discovered in a box by the roadside when he was born, but now, 13 years old, Zaid is still stateless. Karen has just turned 16. Next year, she will be entering college, but without a blue IC, she will encounter difficulties to enrol with the college. Unlike most patients having to pay only RM5, the single father of this stateless girl, who suffers from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) has to fork out RM800 every month for both medication and doctor consultation at the public hospital. Her father is Malaysian, but her

Am I surprised with Anwar's latest call for Solidarity with Palestine?

MANY people expressed to me their surprise what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) did recently in his solidarity with Palestinians.   Yes, while I am not amused with the involvement of schools with the Solidarity with Palestine, I think Anwar was also caught by surprise that some schools and teachers had gone too far, expressing their tendencies towards extremism. But this is probably an eye-opener to the government that such extremism exists in our schools and must be dealt with before this brings Malaysia into becoming another Taliban state.  The video above came out of the public schools. The one below is allegedly from a Tahfiz school. I think young children should be given a conducive learning environment where they can be educated and help the country's future. As parents we would not feel comfortable if our children are forced to attend events where certain school principals or teachers are grooming them into pawns to be sent to war.   In the Israel-Ghaza confli