Berry's Controversy: This is all Common Sense which is so lacking in some people these days

THE controversy kicked up by Berry’s Cake house has turned many netizens aghast with the country’s so-called “latest development,” and as usual, some even blame Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for not doing anything.

        In fact, what is otherwise a non-issue has hurt the feelings of many netizens judging from the complaints made on social media. 

        In all my 43 years, whenever there is Christmas luncheon or dinner, whether locally or abroad, fruit cakes may be served, but never icing cakes, even in the traditional Western homes.


Injustice to both JAKIM and Minister 

        Injustice has already been done to JAKIM and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of religious affairs, Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar to the point that they had to do damage control, no thanks to the controversy sparked by a circular issued by the Operations Manager of Berry's, Daniel Teoh Abdullah. 

Photographs from Teoh’s social media are also being shared online to show who he really is, which could possibly explain why this whole thing is happening. 

        From the official response received from JAKIM, it is obvious that the department had not issued any directive to the effect that disallowed Halal certificate holders from writing “Merry Christmas” or “X’mas” on cakes even if requested by a customer. 

        To say the least, the controversy sparked by the circular has not only damaged the good reputation of JAKIM, the Minister in charge of religious affairs, and Anwar; if damage control had not been done by both JAKIM and Naim, it could have caused further polarisation and disharmony between the races and religious adherents in the country. 

        Malaysians have to wisen up not to allow such controversies to divide us as a nation. Losers want to come back to power, but this is not the proper way of forming a new government post-GE15 (General Election in November last year). 

        The statement issued by JAKIM cannot be any clearer than this:

        In fact, it is hard for anyone to deny that he or she is unaware that this issue was already "settled" back in 2020. 

        JAKIM had already given its explanation on December 25, 2020, and repeated the same on November 1, 2023.

        The issue did not even arise this year in other reputable cake houses or bakeries other Berry's. If anything, Berry's owe the public an open apology. 

Heed the Agong's Advice

        JAKIM stated that the Christmas greeting is allowed on products, so long as it is not displayed in public places, which to many netizens, still run contrary to the spirit of the National Principles. 


        In the National Principles, we are taught to believe in God ("Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan"), Loyalty to King and Country (Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara), and Courtesy and Morality (Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan). 

        The Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA) Sultan Ahmad Al-Mu'adzam Shah, being the head of Islam, has already set an example where he and the Permaisuri Agong have greeted Christians in Malaysia "Merry Christmas."

        As the old saying goes, "Respect begets respect," the Agong is respected by the upright-loving Christian community in this country. In fact, several Sultans including Sultan Nazrin Shah of Perak and Sultan Sharafuddin of Selangor have from time to time spoken up against what they see as potential flash points, which politicians are prone to play on in order to win brownie points for themselves.  

        Some who could have become statesmen have not even changed their approach in politics since their younger days.  

        For this reason, Malaysians are once again looking towards the Agong and the Sultans as the stabilising factor in race relations in the country. The next Agong, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar is known for his Bangsa Johor. 

Anwar has responded        

        For those who asked why Anwar has not responded to this issue,  the answer is in the response given by the  Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, 

        In a statement reported by The Star, the Madani cabinet minister said:

  • "No barring of writing festival greetings on cakes sold by halal certificate holders for customers."
  • "I have instructed the halal department under Jakim to issue an immediate statement which explains the matter clearly, especially to halal certificate holders. This will be done as soon as possible."

  • "I have also asked them to produce a video on the issue to ensure everyone understands."

        Unless the matter has not been addressed adequately by JAKIM or his cabinet minister, while it is good for Anwar to know what is happening and provide his directives to his ministers, he should only focus on the more crucial issues that the country is facing.

        Similar situations should not happen again, as it would only damage the good relations between fellow Malaysians of different ethnicities and religious affiliations. 


        For the sake of testing Berry's policy (despite the circular still up on the glass panel of the cake shop), this writer took the trouble to see how staff at Berry's respond to a request to put these words on the cake: 

        It is done so that others need not spend money to test whether Berry's has changed its stance. 

        Except for the Christmas red on its box, there is no  reason to introduce icing (frosted? decorated?) cakes for the Christmas luncheons or dinners. The money could, of course, have been given to an orphanage or an old folks home! 

           Here are just some of the many feedback that I have received which shows people’s feelings are hurt — and they do know who are behind this. They, too, are fed up. 

Islamophobia becomes a problem not only in Malaysia but elsewhere when issues like this keep cropping up. 

        Politicians who play up religious sentiments should not blame DAP after this. People like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad have themselves to blame when people see through his antics. 

        Tun, we know your use of lateral thinking but don’t use this to try to topple the government again.       Enough is enough of your rubbish, Tun, after toppling one PM after another in the past and trying to pitch one race against another. We have even given you a chance to prove your worth by making you PM a second time but to the rakyat it is once bitten twice shy. Keep the rubbish to yourself. For goodness sake, just Shut up if you have already been rejected in Langkawi.

          More on this if I have time to comment on the plot. But I believe most people can already see what it is building up to.

           People are no longer so gullible. They see what you, Tun Mahathir, descendant of a Kerala migrant, have done in the past to Anwar. 

        Finally, what a contrast it is that we see in the Indonesian community where there is now peace, harmony and mutual respect for each other, compared to the days under the regime of the late President Suharto. 

But, at least we have this in Kuching where West Malaysian politicians have not penetrated:




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