Credit to whom credit is due


AS usual, credit to whom credit is due. I am just doing what I need to do as a citizen who tries to intervene to help solve some problems. 

       I think the credit should go to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, his cabinet minister, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and his political secretary, Tuan Johari Kassim. Also, to YB Lim Lip Eng when he was the Segambut MP and current MP, Hannah Yeoh for handling a few more cases in the past. With a new minister, there is a future for the stateless people.

        Through Anwar's concept of the Madani (civilised) government, many stateless people's cases have been solved: something that no other politicians in the past cared about, since they did not mean an additional vote for themselves.

        This year, for the first time in Malaysia's history, a Home Minister has prioritised the problem in the country involving thousands of stateless people. In 2023 alone, the Department of Registration (JPN) has processed over 8000 cases as of September, and I believe they are close to 10,000 cases based on their Key Performance Index. 

       In the past few years, I have been handling a few cases involving stateless people. I have written to Muhyiddin Yassin when he was Minister of Home Affairs, thinking that he was part of the new hope Malaysians have when Pakatan Harapan took over Putrajaya in 2018. However, there was silence from Muhyiddin. I did not write to other Home Ministers before and after that until the unity government was established. 

        One of the cases, which is supposed to be less complicated, has been solved finally. Receiving this message from the mother really makes my day, knowing that I am a part of the bigger picture that we see developing in Malaysia when the right people are in control. 

        Barely three months ago when I told her to send me her application letter, she told me that she has given up all hopes on her child's case. The child is adopted by a legally married couple, but because the child had no papers, she remained stateless until today when the parents were told to go to JPN with no reasons stated. 

        Imagine the excitement when she told me this today after I asked her for an update. Imagine the broad smiles that JPN is now able to bring to the "many people" all waiting at their office, probably for the same good news. 

        When can the press give some highlight to this wonderful development? I asked one or two press, but they seem to be disinterested. 

This is one reason why I defended Saifuddin when he was under attack. 
It is not easy being in the Madani government when all sides -- especially with a well-oiled war machinery -- are attacking you. 



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