Welcome to Jalan Palestin....


The hue and cry over the Palestinian issue now is nothing but a hype created by propagandists who try to discredit Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

        This renaming of Jalan Raja Laut 1 to Jalan Palestine, was in fact during former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yasin's era. He was PM from 1 March 2020 – 16 August 2021. The above article written by Ida Lim was dated Sunday 27 Sept 2020. 

        In October 2023, former prime minister Dr. Mahathir had given his 100% support towards Hamas. Why was there no big brouhaha over this in the past, and why only now? 


        It is also obvious that this Hamas issue has brought together three political enemies in 2023 - Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yasin and Mat Sabu -- but why was there no hype over it? Why everyone is so worked up now but not back then? It's because some cybertroopers are working round the clock to leverage on this issue to target Anwar. 

        In an earlier post, I wrote 'Why All Hell Broke Lose?': "
Why? Because many fear they might be next to face the law for bribery and corruption, with some potentially going to their graves burdened by the wrongs they've committed against the nation."

        You can guess who are behind the attacks. And in the process, you are being used to propagate the poison they continue to spew out every day. 

        When the country eventually goes bankrupt, you blame that on Anwar but you would not take responsibility for what you have done, when what you could have done is at least help to solve the problems on the ground. This is what I do with my spare time because I want a better Malaysia for all Malaysians. 

        Look again who was saying this in 2023. Anwar! Wow! Anwar can transform into different people in a split of a second. No wonder he was accused of being a spy for Russia, for China, for the US and for Israel. And, all of us believe that kind of lie! 

Click the image below to read the article in Sinar Harian.

        And, read this article in the UKM journal. Woah, support for Palestine only began with Anwar. If you care to research into it, you will realise the support can be traced as far back to Tunku Abdul Rahman. 

        And, if you do not already know, Palestinian students have been living and studying in Malaysia for some time already. There are more than 600 Palestinian studetns at public universities and more than 200 Palestinian students in private higher education institutions. Khaled Nordin was the higher education minister. As minister, he is empowered to act on his own accord.

        Why only now everything is targeted at Anwar? It must be because someone is all out to finish him off. Why? Because some people are trying to escape the dragnet of the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). Someone has a lot of money to splash, and people are willing to get paid to be mercenaries. 


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