Systematically Annihilating PMX ?


It is with sadness that I share my observations on Malaysian politics, which seem to point to a concerning trend.

        It's not that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is "perfect" or the knight in shining armour many Malaysians had hoped for. 

        As one gentleman put it, this is a choice between "the devil and the deep blue sea." Another person wrote:

Who will be the Knight in Shining Armour then?

        Trust me, keep my message, very soon, they will unveil the hero. It will not be Najib Razak, or Hadi Awang, or Muhyiddin Yassin. And definitely, not Dr. Mahathir Mohamad or Akmal Salleh. 

        They may choose a young leader to rally around and elevate in an effort to defeat Anwar and Pakatan Harapan.

        It's worth noting that Chris Watson, founder of the Australian Labor Party, became Australia's youngest prime minister at age 37, but his term lasted only four months, from April 27 to August 18, 1904.

        Once the political landscape stabilizes, they might follow the examples set in the Philippines and Thailand, where the children of former leaders are often chosen as the new leaders by the people.

All Hell Breaks Lose Now

        Why? Because many fear they might be next to face the law for bribery and corruption, with some potentially going to their graves burdened by the wrongs they've committed against the nation.

        If you think they’ll just sit back and do nothing, you’re mistaken. In desperate times, they might spend lavishly to hire mercenaries to stir up public sentiment, hoping to force Anwar into another Operation Lallang, making him appear no different from Dr. Mahathir.

        I trust Anwar will have the wisdom to navigate this. Whatever challenges arise, Anwar and his cabinet must stay focused on their work. Despite the noise on social media, many fail to see the efforts being made to revive the economy, eliminate waste, combat bribery and corruption, and place the right people in key positions to run the country.

        This is similar to a corporate takeover. What we’re witnessing is not unusual—it's a transition, complicated by the scale of a nation.

Systematic Annihilation of PMX Underway

        What we’re witnessing is a calculated attempt to dismantle Anwar and the unity government, with PMX as the primary target.

Strategy: Stir up racial sentiments against a man they've targeted since 1998.

    • Exploit lingering racial tensions, triggering emotional responses.
    • Leverage social media and veteran journalists to fuel racial hatred against Anwar.
    • Amplify any issue that could discredit Anwar as the tenth prime minister.
        Initially, the focus was on the rising cost of living and the depreciation of the Ringgit. Then, incidents like the sale of socks bearing religious symbols in racially sensitive areas and even Christmas greetings on Berry’s cakes were blown out of proportion.

        Now, with inflation under control, diesel subsidies rationalized for those in need, and no more shortages of controlled items, the focus shifts to new angles to undermine Anwar.

        Instead, we see that , the country is moving in the right direction according to this economist based in Singapore, so what else do they attempt to do to erode people's confidence towards Anwar and the Madani government.

        Instead, we see the Bursa Malaysia Index and Ringgit are on the rise, with the country moving in the right direction according to a Singapore-based economist. So, what else can they do to erode confidence in Anwar and the Madani government?

        The latest distraction is the Palestinian issue, which has been blown out of proportion.

        Since this morning, I’ve received a so-called press statement from friends, which I chose to ignore.

        Frankly, I can’t see the Sarawak state government ever allowing Palestinians to set foot in Sarawak. So, why all the fuss over something that will likely never happen?

       The latest is the Palestinian issue which has been blown out of proportion. 

        Since this morning I have received this so-called Press Statement from my friends. I just ignored it. 

        But frankly, I do not see how the Sarawak state government would ever allow Palestinians to even set their foot in Sarawak, but it really makes one wonder why such a big brouhaha over something that will never happen? 

       The Palestinian issue was exploited, mainly targeting non-Muslims, with professionally-produced videos and graphics shared on social media. It’s clear these were created by well-paid professionals, likely supported by a research team accessing information beyond the reach of ordinary Malaysians.

If you don't like reading, the make sure you get this video too! Same contents! 


        The Chinese and Indians do not often get scholarships despite good results, so they use this to touch your raw nerves. 

        But look at the name of the person who gave the 600 scholarships to Palestinian students. All these years, we have had Palestinian students in Malaysia, why the cybertroopers kept silent and now suddenly making so much noise?

Click the image below to read more

        If you look at this post that they are getting you to viral, and you still do not see how they are operating, I just shake my head. Please be aware of what is happening in the country, and not be part of the reason why the country goes bankrupt. So much time is wasted on this kind of posts.

        To my fellow Malaysians, tomorrow if this government established by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong were to collapse, or if another government takes over, we will show to the world that there is political instability in Malaysia. Investors will be concerned about their investments in Malaysia. Be fair to those who are working hard to drive investments up, and hold your peace. Stop helping the cybertroopers to share their propaganda. It's a psychological warfare that we are in. 


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