Let's be eagles, set our eyes to the sky and soar high


        Misinformation is aplenty but information like the above is hardly blasted out by the cybertroopers on social media. 

        As a result, people feel depressed. The country's economy is also dragged down as people are trying to save for the tough times. 

        During the 90s, the GDP growth was overheated, resulting in an increase in the bank interests. The interest rate, as I remember, breached the 10% rate. 

        People thought that the economy was doing very well. Spending was high, and market sentiments were good. Everyone thought Malaysia under Dr Mahathir Mohamad was an Asian Tiger until one man, George Soros exposed the fallacy. 

        Years later, when we look back, we realised that Dr. Mahathir had used the country's petrol money to build mega projects, many of which were unsustainable. 

        We are having to pay back in terms of tolls, bankruptcy and bailouts (e.g. his grand Perwaja Steel and his son's MISC), higher costs of maintaining just the airconditioning of these huge office buildings and facilities in Putrajaya. 

        Today, Proton is owned by Geely, a China-based manufacturing plant. 

        Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was one of those who opposed DrM, and he suffered for over two decades. From a prisoner he became the country's tenth prime minister. 

        It is very strange therefore, for people now to forget what he went through in order to get to where he is today. While the rest, the position of premiership came easy, for him, it was through many years of testing. 

        People accept Dr Mahathir's weaknesses, but they are hoping that Anwar can be a superman to be perfect and able to do what everyone expects of him. 

        I support him because he is the first prime minister who goes all out against corruption. Because of his stance, and that of the support of Sultan Ibrahim the King of Malaysia, the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is able to arrest many big guns and the small fries. 

        Anwar is not perfecct, but at least by putting the fundamentals in place, we are seeing investors returning to Malaysia, and see Malaysia differently from what it used to be in the past. Even the ringgit has strengthened itself against the US Dollars. 

        My encouragement to all of us is to be like the eagle: set our eyes to the sky and soar high. Enough of being chicken, pecking on the leftovers on the floor. 

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