
Happy Chinese New Year 2025

The Chinese New Year is a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends. 春节是一个与家人和朋友欢聚一堂的美好时刻。 It is a season filled with the crackle of fireworks, the mesmerizing skill of lion dances, and the rhythmic beats of gongs and cymbals. 这是一个烟花绽放、舞狮表演精彩纷呈、锣鼓铿锵作响的季节。 However, this year is a little different for us, as our son, Shaun Ng, has tested positive for COVID-19, which means we may not be able to visit our relatives. 然而,今年对我们来说有些特别,因为我们的儿子,黄少恩,被确诊为新冠阳性,所以我们可能无法拜访亲友。 Despite this, our spirits remain high, and we warmly wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year! Stay safe, stay blessed, and may the year ahead bring joy and prosperity to you and your loved ones. 尽管如此,我们的心情依然愉快,衷心祝愿大家新春快乐!愿您和您的家人平安健康,福气满满!

Please Fix Government Websites

No email addresses This has to be pointed out so that there is improvement in the way how our government webmasters provide proper email addresses for easy communication.           For convenience of the webmasters, the email addresses are provided only as DrAzhar(DOT)Samingon@ expecting people to know that they have to add the rest of the standard domain in order for the email address to reach its designated recipient.           As Malaysians are now an aging population, and many are unfortunately still not IT-savvy, such email addresses would discourage the public from reaching out to the government officers.           Even someone that is more IT-savvy would find it a nuisance having to just type the addresses ourselves, when it could have been copied and pasted.            If provided with a link, it would be more convenient for the public to send emails to th...

The Future of Malaysia Lies with the School Education Syatem

By Dr Chew Tow Yow One may ask how extensive and pervasive have been the efforts made by our concerned political and civic leaders to cause the Education Ministry, through its various Curriculum renewal efforts, to reshape the “Malaysian mind” needed for national integrity and progress?         Our hope for the “New Malaysia”, united and progressively and in step with the international trends, will depend on the next generation of leaders now being prepared or languishing in our schools.         Whether we shall continue with the present widespread mediocrity or forge ahead as a united (in mind and spirit) and progressive nation will depend on what is happening in our school children today.        We have paid much attention on political/economic corruption but I do not hear of/notice any concerted effort to monitor what is going in the MIND and HEART of our school children, the next generation of leaders and entrepre...

Sejak Penubuhan Kerajaan Madani: Refleksi terhadap Serangan Terhadap Kabinet

Untuk versi Bahasa Inggeris sila baca di sini SEJAK penubuhan kerajaan Madani pada 24 November 2022, beberapa tokoh utama dalam kabinet telah menghadapi serangan bertubi-tubi.           Seperti permainan catur, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menjadi sasaran utama. Tokoh lain seperti Hannah Yeoh dan Nga Kor Ming—kedua-duanya dari Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP)—juga menjadi sasaran serangan.           Begitu juga, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan Dr. Zaliha Mustafa tidak terlepas daripada kritikan, terutamanya selepas beliau mengambil keputusan untuk menghapuskan peranan orang tengah yang mengaut keuntungan daripada kadar sewa gerai yang tinggi di pusat bandar.           Saifuddin di Bawah Perhatian           Sasaran terbaru ialah Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail. Setahun yang lalu, beliau dikritik kerana mencadangkan pindaan Perlembagaan ...

Since the Madani Government Was Established: A Reflection on Targeted Attacks

For the Malay version, please click here SINCE the Madani government was formed on November 24, 2022, several key figures in the cabinet have faced relentless attacks.             Much like a game of chess, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the ultimate target. Others, such as Hannah Yeoh and Nga Kor Ming—both from the Democratic Action Party (DAP)—have also come under fire.             Similarly, Federal Territories Minister Dr. Zaliha Mustafa has faced her share of criticism, especially after her decision to eliminate middlemen profiting from high stall rentals in the city centre.   Saifuddin Under the Spotlight             The latest target is Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail. Just a year ago, he was criticized for proposing amendments to the Federal Constitution and introducing the House Arrest Bill, aimed at reducing prison con...

Reactions to my blog post simply amuse me....

          Just as the dust was about to settle, I received yet another message from someone cherry-picking details of what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said in his explanation, and trying to turn it into another major conflict.           I started listening to the video which was sent to me by a Member of Parliament, stating it as the "full version" confirming what I wrote in my blog post .  Full version:             In the video, I see Anwar just trying to explain every step of the process and why he wanted to show some mercy to his            To me, this critic is just searching for the perfect man to be the Prime Minister of the country. He will never find one.           If he cannot accept that Anwar is human and prone to making mistakes, it is  no w...


For the English version, click here NAMPAKNYA Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sedang menikmati kemenangan terakhirnya dalam kontroversi yang melibatkan addendum bekas Yang di-Pertuan Agong.           Tidak mengejutkan apabila Anwar dituduh “menyembunyikan” addendum, beliau hanya menjawab dengan santai, “Oouuu...!”           Walaupun saya tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada Anwar tahu di mana addendum itu berada sejak awal, sekurang-kurangnya beliau telah membuat kerja rumahnya. Jika beliau tahu, mungkin beliau menunggu saat ini untuk mengejutkan pihak lawannya.    Tanggungjawab Tidak Dilaksanakan           Ini bukanlah isu mudah untuk rakyat biasa seperti kita menyelesaikannya, tetapi seseorang menjangkakan pihak Pembangkang—dan individu seperti anak Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Datuk Mohd Nizar Razak, ya...


Untuk versi Bahasa Malaysianya, baca di sini: IT  seems Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is having the last laugh over the controversy surrounding the former Agong’s addendum.           No surprise, then, that when accused of “hiding” the addendum, Anwar responded with a nonchalant, “Oouuu...!”           While I cannot confirm whether Anwar knew the addendum's whereabouts right from the start, he at least did his homework. If he did, he would have waited till this moment to confound his adversaries. Due Diligence Not Done           This is not a simple matter for ordinary citizens like us to unravel, but one would expect the Opposition—and someone like Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s son, Datuk Mohd Nizar Razak, who received the letter used by Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah — to investigate it thoroughly. ...  1. This lays out clearly what is happening in the former King’s addendum saga  2. Bear in mind that Umno is still arguing on a former king’s addendum when the current king has already said that anything about royal clemency must go through the set procedure 3. ⁠my questions therefore: a) Did Anwar “approve” the present king’s decree since his detractors have made him into the invincible Anwar to be blamed for everything that may not even be involved in or he cannot overstep the  former king’s decision to reduce Najib’s sentence?  b) since Umno said the king has the absolute power to pardon, is the king’s decision based on the advice of the pardon’s board to reduce Jibbi’s sentence  or they were merely giving him advices based on the issue of legality and how the rakyat and international community would respond to the King’s decision whichever decision he made?  c) since the federal constitution is very clear about th...

Life's So Fragile

ON Friday 3 January 2025, my dear friend HT Long sent me a video, with this line: "Ht Long Sings a Beautiful Song "Who Am I" specially for you  and   your preccius family."           Along with this are his usual daily greetings ... Ht Long's 2 lovely young fans in Klang after his Concert     The timestamp showed that it was 0403, meaning by about 4am, he was already awake.  Till we meet again, my friend!     Little did I know that it was his last day in this world. By evening, I was informed by his wife, Suzie that HT Long has returned home to be with the Lord. 

Bravo, PDRM!

  BURUAN Polis terhadap tiga orang lelaki yang terlibat dalam pengembangan ajaran sesat ini amat dihargai.     Untuk pengetahuan sekalian, ini adalah grup yang mengembangkan ajaran sesat. Beberapa tahun lalu, ada dua lelaki berpakaian seragam ini telah cuba mengembangkan ajaran mereka kepada seorang pastor gereja tempatan.      Jikalau pihak berkuasa bertanyakan kepada pihak Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia (CFM), saya percaya gereja yang mereka datang ini memang tidak disenaraikan.      Ini kerana untuk  komuniti Kristian selama ini mereka ini dikenali sebagai sebuah "kultus" (cult) dari Amerika Syarikat.       Sewaktu belajar di Australia, saya bersama dengan rakan serumah saya pernah didatangi pelawat-pelawat ini dari Amerika Syarikat.      Saya ketawa terbahak-bahak bila pemuda itu memberitahu saya bahawa Kristus Yesus menyeberangi laut dengan sebuat bot. Tak ingat lagi samada dia berkata ke India, Chi...

Pandangan saya terhadap apa tohmahan-tohmahan yang dibuat ke atas Masyarakat Kristian

Saya berharap saya akan dapat memberikan pencerahan supaya kita dapat memahami dengan lebih mendalam apa yang menjadi topik utama yang menyebabkan segelintir NGO menggesa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menggugurkan Menteri Belia dan Sukan, YB Hannah Yeoh.          D ari perspektif teologi, sebenarnya tidak ada konsep “negara Kristian” pun di kalangan masyarakat Kristian.           Sejak “Protestant Reformation" (Reformasi gereja Protestan di abad ke 16 ), doktrin pemisahan antara gereja dan negara ( the doctrine of separation of church and state ) yang diajar oleh Martin Luther, seorang ahli teologi Jerman, paderi, dan tokoh penting dalam Reformation Protestan, telah menentukan pendirian kami.           Pasti anda faham erti " Power corrupts ." Oleh kerana ku asa cenderung membawa kepada korupsi, maka gereja dan negara memang tidak boleh disatukan, mengikut Luther.        ...