Reactions to my blog post simply amuse me....
Just as the dust was about to settle, I received yet another message from someone cherry-picking details of what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said in his explanation, and trying to turn it into another major conflict.
I started listening to the video which was sent to me by a Member of Parliament, stating it as the "full version" confirming what I wrote in my blog post.
Full version:
In the video, I see Anwar just trying to explain every step of the process and why he wanted to show some mercy to hisIf he cannot accept that Anwar is human and prone to making mistakes, it is no wonder that when Anwar makes a mistake, he becomes the person the critic no longer believes should lead the country.
I don’t know what has driven him down this path, but it’s undoubtedly a complete waste of everyone’s time. I know he, along with a few others, will continue their criticism and spreading their influences around.
The sad thing is that these people can continue to become bitter gourd. They can argue till the cow comes home. There is no difference between these people and the one man who shook the social fabrics of this nation, pitching one race against another for his own political agenda.
I can only say that I am sad for these people, and for the nation. They will blame Anwar instead of themselves when we will be left behind the rest of the world, and if we continue to allow these people to dominate our social media, the country will go to the dogs.
What someone else sent to me makes more sense:
My point is always this: As a nation, we have to move on. Please stop all the bickerings. It will lead us nowhere. If we continue in this altercation, we will never move forward. This is where Malaysia has move into because of that one man in the past who, till today, is still stirring up strifes between the people of this country.
I urge my fellow Malaysians to stop paying attention to their tune and let them sing their hearts out into the void.
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