Bosku, Apa Malu?


I read this in a Whatsapp chat group but please scroll down to read what is glaringly missing from the message.

The politician replied: "Well, just give me my money back then."

The seller  said: "Can’t do that. I’ve already spent it."

The politician said: "OK, then, just bring me the dead horse.

The farmer asked: "What are you going to do with it?"

The politician said: "I’m going to raffle it off to the people as a speed horse that can win the race"

The seller  responded: "You can’t raffle a dead horse."

Politician replied: "Sure, I can. Just watch me. You don't know the people, l will post wonderful pictures of a horse, I just won’t tell anybody it's dead. I will market it with propaganda and present him as capable of chasing criminals away"

A month later, the seller met up with politician and asked: "What happened with that dead horse?"

Politician replied: "I raffled it off. I sold 1million tickets at £2 each and made a profit of  £2m 

The seller was dazed and asked: "Didn’t anyone complain?"

Politician said: "Just the guy who won. I told him the horse died on our way to deliver. So, I gave him back his £2 with apology. I told him l have refunded everyone. He consoled me and told me to keep it up that am a good man.’ That after all I have suffered (a lot of loss). He prayed for me and called on God to bless me. Telling me that the country needs honest people like me to come and run for office".


*The political raffle ticket sellers are back about to sell to us another dead horse in 2022

Shine your eye

        I have to add: they have been doing it much longer. After they stole the people’s mandate and run the government, we see Jibbi walking and with people shouting, “Bosku, apa malu?” Say that to a foreigner in a language they understand and see what they think of us. Dare they invest in Malaysia anymore?

        Whenever I see Jibbi doing his so-called sponsored stunts, I feel like vomiting. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 No?

Everyone abandons Siti Bainun?



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