A Message to the Business Community: Return of the Titans?


Malaysia is in danger of a backlash by the return of the Decepticons. 

        But the question is: Can we afford the return of Umno and its current batch of leaders? 

        What if they were just the red herrings -- Najib Abdul Razak or Zahid Hamidi will after not become the Prime Minister; instead, another Umno leader such as former Menteri Besar of Negeri Sembilan, Mohamad Hasan or former Minister of Higher Education, Mustapha Mohamad?

        Well, the question is: would they survive? Or would they end up being slaughtered just like Abdullah A. Badawi? After all, the good moderate politicians can hardly survive in Umno politics, where the warlords are many. 

        The country is already going through a tough time. In March this year, Finance Minister, Tengku Zafrul Aziz said that the country still needs another RM17 billionto repay 1MDB’s total outstanding debt. No thanks to Najib and Jho Low, a balance of RM38.8 billion has yet to be repaid. 

        Because of BN's administration, the Corruption Perception Index of Malaysia (CPI) has dropped. This has indirectly impacted on the income per capita and the cost of living.

        Foreign investors are shunning away from Malaysia. After all, if there are opportunities to invest elsewhere, why would they invest in Malaysia? After all, investors are more likely to invest their money in countries which give them the highest returns and where businesses are conducted with integrity. 

        Like it or not, Malaysia has been lagging behnid a number of other ASEAN countries. Therefore, Ismail Sabri Yaakob appear to be still in a slumber, when he announced that he wanted Bahasa Malaysia to be made the regional lingua franca. If you are not the economic power of the region, people would just give you the hoot.

        Sadly, if business people still choose Umno and Barisan Nasional, they are in for some greater disappointments. 



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