We want Malays who are progressive


I sent this video to a Malay friend of mine and surprisingly, his response was: "No BN. Enough is enough." 

        My response to him was: 

"We want Malays who are progressive so that we can progress as a nation and (together, with out combined skills and talents) compete with the rest of the world. Someone like Syed Saddiq gets the thumbs up because he represents the progressive Malays. 

"In the past, Umno used to equate the Chinese with DAP, babi or communists. Now the narrative no longer works. Even May 13 has not been successful as we all know now who were the gang of three who created the tragedy and why they did that to achieve their own political agenda."

Just to recap some of the things you may have heard or read in the past:

(1) In the past, a number of narratives have been pitched against DAP and the Chinese. None of these narratives are being played up again, especially after the Malays begin to realise that it was nothing but Umno and BN polemics to garner votes.
(2) While Umno continues to call for National-type schools to be closed, Umno Youth Chief, Asyraf Wajdi Marzuki may still have a child in SRJK Yuk Chai in Petaling Jaya. 
(3) Some time ago, DAP Penang was accused of trying to Christianise Malaysia. Then, the silly kangkung senior lecturer from up north was proven in court to have defamed Hannah Yeoh for attempts to Christianise the nation through her book. 
Point 1: DAP is not Chinese. It is a political party that is supported mainly by the Chinese and Indian community, but increasingly, there are more Malays who join the party. Because Umno has always practised race-based politics, it tries to make DAP and MCA as the rivals, so as not to affect its own seats. MCA lost in a few general elections, yet its leaders are unable to see this reality. 

Point 2: This may be a rumour, but several people have mentioned it independently. It is not difficult to verify this. Ask any parent with children in Yuk Chai and they can tell you who they are. I know, for example, the son of KJ is an international school run by Chinese and Indians. Why does he not send his son to Kebangsaan school? 

Point 3: I laughed when I read this. These people are so ignorant that they fail to understand that Martin Luther struggled against the Roman Catholic church during his days because of he upholds the doctrine of separation of the church and state. For this reason, in a court case recently, a kangkung "professor" was found to have defamed Hannah Yeoh. 

We don't Christianise a nation. We don't even believe any nation can be a Christian nation. The reason is very simple. Jesus Himself said, "My kingdom is not of this world." When a Christian prays, "May Your Kingdom come," he is basically referring to the new earth that God will establish when Christ returns. 

Therefore, neither America nor United Kingdom is a Christian nation, because its leaders do not even live according to the Christian principles. 

We share the gospel because Christianity is and has always been a missionary faith. This is the nature of any missionary religion, including Islam.

We do not convert people. We faithfully share the gospel. The rest is the work of God.

If someone believes, that would be great -- for all the angels would rejoice over one person who repents, but if not, so be it! Each person will have to give an account of himself before the judgement seat of God. At least we have done our part telling you there is a way out from the path that leads to Hell. 


So, next time, if you hear any of Umno's propaganda, you will know that this is nothing but their quest for power and more power. '

Basically, it is to enrich themselves, instead of helping the B40. 


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