Sorry, I would not donate even a Single Sen

    An independent candidate with Gerak Independent sent me a Whatsapp message soliciting for funds to contest in the next general election.

        He claimed that he wants to "collaborate and work with PH in GE 15," but the seat that he is contesting in is currently held by a PH candidate. 

        The seat P105 which used to be PJ Utara and now renamed Damansara is held by Tony Pua. P106 is held by Maria Chin Abdullah.

        Pua has already indicated that he will not be contesting. Although the PH coalition has not even announced its candidate for the coming general election, this gentleman already announced that he will "collaborate and work with PH." 

        How can he collaborate and work with PH if he does not even know who will be replacing Pua, or whether Maria Chin will remain as the candidate? To me, Maria Chin has done a better job than most BN politicians. 

        To be frank, I have no reason to vote for this Gerak Independent candidate, what's more to donate to his cause, although it sounded very noble until you understand the undercurrents why I refused to even respond to him. 

        I think this gentleman is just delusional in his thinking that he will make a big impact on the nation by being an independent, when Umno is far more powerful than all the independents come together.

        Unknowingly, he may be used by BN to help with its cause. Because of their inability to work as a team with others, they become pawns that are easily manipulated. And thinking of the money of ordinary citizens who believe in their cause, especially at a time when everyone is tightening their belts. 

        To be honest, how many independents have won in the last general election or state elections? Without the support of a party, even Batu MP who first stood as an independent could not have won the seat in GE14!

Bad Encounter 

        Let me now share just one of the bad experiences. Although I did not want to be troubled by such characters, the need to bring this matter up has become necessary. 

        This message sent by the gentleman brings back some 'not-so-good' memory of my encounter with him. 

        He may think I am being unfair to him, or hitting him below the belt at a time when he wants to win a seat.

        But this was my experience with him: In around 2005-7, I conceived the idea of a system that was supposed to allow ordinary citizens to post photographs of their complaints of uncollected rubbish, potholes, etc to get the attention of the local authorities.

        The local council would be allowed to also update the system to show that work had been done, along with photographic proofs. If not, the local YB would find it handy to have a list of unresolved complaints that his representative (or Councillor) can raise in the council meeting. 

        Because I had the idea, and I was willing to work on developing a prototype of the system to park in his website, the concept was still rightfully mine. 

        One fine day, I received a message from this gentleman, making a demand that I should write him a paper regarding the concept. Although I resented the way he wrote his message, as a friend, I obliged. After all, putting together the idea would not take too much of time. 

        But what pissed me off later was to get another message to say that the idea now belonged to him, since the project was parked in his website. 

        "That's fine! You can have it!" I was rather disappointed with the kind of attitude that I saw in him. Since then, I had to cut off the friendship because of what I saw as a lack of integrity.

        Although I could have named him directly, but I choose not to, with the hope that he would come to his senses. To me, he is accountable to the Almighty. 

Pity Those Who Gave Money to Independents

        Now that he wants my vote and my money, I would be doubly careful. 

        In the first place, I am of the opinion that a lot of these Independent candidates are out there just to split votes, not BN, but PH's votes in the coming general election. 

        From my observations, a number of them have big egos, which explains why they cannot work with the parties that they claim to be collaborating with.
        I doubt they are collaborating with any coalition, and their position is unclear right from the beginning. 

        In the event that they won a constituency, there is no guarantee that they would remain faithful to a coalition. They can claim that they represent the majority of the constituents, but which quarter of the constituency do they represent anyway! 

        When they do not get their ways, won't they just be like the frogs (more like toads) that jump to the other side? So, what difference does it make between the frogs and the toads? 

        If I were in BN, I would be happy that these toads keep jumping as this would help to create a disillusionment in the voters' mindset, so that they give up hope voting for the Opposition. 

         The money donated is better given away to feed the poor. RM100,000 just to help one person's campaign is a waste of resources as most people are tightening their belts.



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