What about politicians who are genuine and good OR when they pretend to be good?


If politicians do an act of kindness, just put your fingers crossed. 

        It has to be consistently good before you will vote for them. After all, this is what we expect them to do when we are paying their salaries.

        In Greek theatres, hypocrites are actors. They put on different masks. The same actor can therefore act as Mr Baddie as well as Mrs Goodie. Politicians are most well-known for that. 

        When they want people to support them, they will shed tears. When they are at the heights, they snub the rakyat.

        So, just keep your fingers crossed and watch them. When they come to your event and pretend to be friendly, keep your distance and continue to snub them. Soon, the truth will come out. If they are sincere, they will be consistent. If they are pretending to be good, it will be obvious when you do not show them your support openly. 

        When I say SNUB POLITICIANS, I do not mean totally stop communicating with them. The good ones deserve a bit more respect, but not all our respect for everyone of them as though they are demi-gods. Keep an arm's length. 

        Still vote, but you don't have to tell them that you are voting for them. Vote based on your conscience, and which direction each coalition is going. Even though your favourite politician may be in a certain coalition that has been misbehaving, what is important is the overall direction that the coalition is taking.

        Politicians have become arrogant thinking that they are indispensable because people will still vote for them. Just SNUB them.

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