Be Realistic with your Expectations of Anwar


        I have said before in 2008, then in 2018, and now on the day immediately after Anwar Ibrahim was installed as Prime Minister of Malaysia.

        Please do not have too high expectations again of PH. We have to be realistic that for Anwar and PH to bring changes to the country, it will take at least two terms. Hopefully by the third term, we will see great improvement.

        If you have watched this video that I have shared here, make this our dream as well.

        In fact, for many of us, this is not only his dream but ours. Therefore, if we want to achieve this dream, let us spread the short video far and wide so that it reaches critical mass in order to achieve the dream.

       There is no point if we blame Anwar when we he fails to achieve the dream. What can one person achieve? 

        My answer is: Very limited. What Anwar and his team can achieve is only very limited. 

        So, If they fail to achieve everything we expect of them, it is understandable that they too are human. 

        Just like a child striving to score 100 marks in an exam, yet fails to score even 50 marks, we excuse them; until and unless, when we find out that they only pretended to be studying. Hidden behind the textbook is their digital gadget.

        In other words, we don’t want our politicians to lie to us in the form of a promise. If we find that they are only self-seeking themselves after the GE, they will eventually suffer from trust deficit.

        It is a matter of time when they will be trounced. Look at Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Azmin Ali, Zuraida Kamaruddin and those who betrayed the nation's trust. Although it may take some time for Dr Mahathir to face voters' wrath, but the law of reaping what you sow will eventually materialise. 

        The responsibility for Malaysia is on of all of us, not on the country’s leaders. 

Versi Bahasa Malaysia:


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