Credit to Whom Credit is Due


This video has been in circulation lately. 

            Constitutional monarchs are supposed to be above politics. However, in this video, we see the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah unapologetically mentioning Pakatan Harapan (PH) in his royal address. 

            If the speaker were an ordinary senior government officer, he would have faced the disciplinary committee, but the fact that this came from the sultan himself speaks volume about the PH administration. 

             It is very rare that His Royal Highness would give the credit mention to a particular coalition unless he is truly satisfied with the PH government. Credit to whom credit is due. 
            While I will continue to openly chastise the PH leaders especially PH in Selangor under Amirudin Shari after the GE15, when private discussions failed to achieve the improvement one would expect of the government, I will give PH leaders the credit for what they have done for the country.


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