Time for National Healing ala South Africa?


News has gone out that DAP's Secretary-General Anthony Loke has apologised on behalf of the DAP to Abang Johari. 
            Whether this is a genuine decision to seek for forgiveness on both sides is yet to be seen, as politicians are already notorious for their pretence. However, another word has come out from DAP chairman himself, Lim Guan Eng. 
            This, amidst the Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong, and I believe also at the advice of Pakatan Harapan's chairman, Anwar Ibrahim who himself extended an olive branch to his former nemesis, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has to be genuine.

            If it is, it certainly brings a lot of cheer to people whom I shared the good news with. Their enthusiastic responses have shown that people want to see national reconciliation. 

            The political impasse to appoint the next Prime Minister has dragged on for far too long. It is hoped that by today itself, the YDPA will appoint the prime minister and allow the government to move on for the next five years, now that we have the anti-hopping law in place.

             The people are already feeling very frustrated with the political development in the country. Of course, having said this, it is not easy for the YDPA to negotiate for a good compromise but DEMI NEGARA, all should work together whether in government or opposition.

            I have not received any verification yet from any of the top four in DAP whether it is true what also went viral from one of Umno's most vocal guys, Lokman Mansor. I have also asked him to confirm whether the video I received is true, or dubbed with his voice, but so far, there is no response from either DAP or Lokman himself about DAP's decision not to accept any cabinet position.

            While this is a good decision, just as what we have seen in Sdr Lim Kit Siang's decision in the last cabinet after GE14, it is my personal opinion that some of the DAP leaders should be invited to accept the posts, PROVIDED the invitation came from both Anwar (if he became Prime Minister) and the other parties forming the unity government. 

            After all, Anwar has openly said this is not a PH government; therefore, any decision especially that of cabinet ministers should be jointly agreed.

            Anwar and Rafizi should also have their last say as to who in the parties to become cabinet ministers. We want good cabinet ministers who are able to reform the institutions so that they can uphold justice and make Malaysia a better place to live in similar to what remains in Sarawak till today. Go to Sarawak, and you can feel the atmosphere there is different from West Malaysia.

            Most of us who voted for PH this round have entrusted the country's future on these two gentlemen. It is important that they accept criticisms in private, and if not heeded, then in public -- only when they remain recalcitrant! 

            I also wish to see Anwar celebrating his jubilee year in 2023. So far, he has been very consistent with what he has to say in his ceramah. Whenever he mentioned the races, he did not just stop there at Malays, Chinese, Indians but included Kadazans and Dayaks. 

            Whether he will walk the talk is something that we have to watch closely, but of course, this man needs the support of the majority to implement the good policies. 

            What we want is a government that can run the country and bring it to the next level. There has been too much politicking that destroy the country's economic prospects of becoming the Malaysian (no longer Malayan) Tiger. 

            Will Malaysia see national healing ala South Africa? It depends on how the people play the music so that politicians will fall into place with the correct dance. It's enough of duck dances all these years, it's time for a change. And, we hope to see a more civilised parliament! 

The Malaysian Tiger, why? A fellow doctoral student of mine from Sarawak shared with me the sentiments on the ground. Sarawakians are asking, `Why Malayan tiger? Have you ever heard it mentioned as `Malaysian tiger'?' 


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