Bravo, YB Teresa!

        Imraz Ikhbal complained about some DBKL enforcement officers going on the round to look for opportunities to bully traders selling Mandarin oranges. 

        They will find fault with these traders and after a few visits, they would gradually ask and even demand for bribes. We are all very familiar with such stories but what Imraz has done is worth emulating.

Time to take on Bribe Seekers

        Instead of keeping quiet about it, Imraz has shared his complaint using an audio recording, urging action to be taken against Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers who are collecting bribes from those who are willing to pay. 

        As a result of his voice messages, even DBKL senior officers have gone on the ground to record statements from the traders. We hope some form of disciplinary action will be taken against the enforcement officers as they are getting bolder by the day. 

        As Imraz puts it, "Most importantly, the traders must be allowed to carry on with their businesses without being bullied by enforcement officers who are seeking for bribes. "Bravo, Saudara Imraz!" 

        Here is a case where clearly a Malay gentleman is willing to stand up for a Chinese trader whom he does not know. This is the Malaysian spirit that is very much alive today. More, especially the Chinese, should emulate Imraz's example. After all, Lady Justice is colourblind. 

        Like me, Imraz too cannot stand to see corruption, or worse, when oppression of a small-time trader, is happening before his eyes. 

        According to Imraz, each time the amount is RM500 or even RM1000. At the end of the day, it is the customers who are having pay the price of corruption.

        Whether this case is true or not, it is the job of the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate and if they cannot prosecute the officers, MACC should set up undercover teams to catch these bribe seekers red handed. Enough of the excuses that MACC does not have enough officers to carry out their job. 

Let's Wait to See What MACC Has to Say

        Imraz took the trouble to complain to the MACC and one officer Ms Yogeswary immediately contacted the trader to gather more information. Bravo!

        Because of Imraz's complaint, Teresa Kok who is Seputeh Member of Parliament also sent one of her assistants immediately to check out the complaint. She has agreed to help the traders in her constituency with the necessary compliances.

        A delighted Imraz immediately wrote to me: 

        Imraz is right. DBKL should not delay the issuance of the licenses for these traders who are trying to sell their stock of Mandarin oranges before the Chinese New Year.  

A Big Problem Nationwide

        It is not because the amount is small but such corrupt practices by City Hall or Local Council enforcement officers are very rampant that it oppresses the small businesses. 

        Whether it is PH or BN or Unity Government, we cannot and should no longer tolerate such abuses of power on the ground. We have to rise up to fight against corrupt enforcement officers. 

        To be honest, where bribes are concerned, there are no willing givers, but businesspeople are just forced to give in order for them to operate their businesses peacefully. 

        Pas President Hadi Awang is absolutely wrong in saying that bribery is not covered under Hudud law. In one of the Q&A sessions, Hadi had claimed that since bribery involves a willing giver and a willing taker, it is not theft. 

        However, Imraz being a devout Muslim has a different opinion. Click on these audio files to listen:

        MACC better step up its team to fight corruption at the core or face the wrath of the people if it keeps setting aside files as NFA (No Further Action).


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