What Enemies? They Have a Job to Perform as Lawmakers. They Have to Remain Professional to Stay Sane


Is my vision getting worse these days? Or, does Syed Saddiq have a twin? Maybe, the four clowns? No, but there is a double Syed Saddiq. Ah, the three stooges then. Have fun guys....

Ah, look at this lau tah aka Pak Long from my Monash days with a beaming smile. And look at the rose among the thorns and the colour of her hair.... people say while men start to lose their hair as sign of old age, women get sweeter as they advance in years. That's the evidence for you.
Today marks an important part of Malaysian history. Anwar Ibrahim has won the vote of confidence in the Dewan Rakyat. 

        An old friend of mine sent me the above two pictures, with these words and I quote:

        My dear friend, how I wish the late Tan Sri Ani Arope were around to witness this day in our history. 

        I have always said  and I would like to say it again. 

        Parliamentarians have a job to perform in parliament. They are supposed to debate on issues and bring forth as many different views as possible before a good decision can be arrived at. Their job, whether in Government or in the Opposition, is to serve the rakyat and bring this nation forward. 

        We expect them to argue their hearts out, but we do not expect to see them throwing chairs at each other. Nor, do we expect them to use vulgar words in the august house. Bung Mokhtar and Tiong King Sing, what did you just say?

        Cut cut cut! That's the role Johari Abdul has to play now. Just over 10  years ago, he took us to Thailand to show us how professional make-up artists could transform a person to look just like you. 

        It is therefore refreshing to see the parliamentarians from both sides of the political divide to have some fun time together as well. At least, we know they are still keeping their sanity.  

        There is nothing wrong after a long day of heated debate for them to chill it off with a cup of teh tarik. 

        Even lawyers stay professional when they are arguing their cases in court, but after that, they are friends outside the court. 

        That's why I can never understand why some critics say Anwar Ibrahim is hypocritical when he had a cup of Najib Abdul Razak. Why only Anwar is hypocritical, but not Najib?

        You can criticise Anwar only when he interferes with the judiciary process in Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's case, or he expedites the release of Najib Abdul Razak after the courts have found him guilty and sentenced him to 12 years in jail. Trust me, the world is still watching closely. 

        A crime is still a crime, and even Anwar himself was put behind bars for nearly ten years; therefore, it is unlikely that Najib can expect to be out of prison until he has served at least three-quarter of his total jail sentence. 

        Same with Hishammudin Hussein in this photograph. He still has to answer the questions about the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). This is because it involves not only the politicians but our Navy, whose lives depend on the best combat machines that the country can afford. 

        So, meanwhile, have fun because it's a lot of work tomorrow for another episode. 

         At the end of the day, the rakyat must be on the winning side, because we voted you to perform the job.


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