
Showing posts from January, 2023

What is it that you and I do not know behind the attack on Anwar and Nurul?

            Much, -- in fact, too much -- has been said about Anwar Ibrahim's daughter, Nurul Izzah being appointed as senior economic advisor.           Finally, the Prime Minister has given his reason for appointing Nurul as an advisor. The thing about Anwar is that he knows what to say and says it when the time is right.          To me, it is obvious that Nurul Izzah's appointment is not only welcomed, and it can hardly be argued as 'nepotism.' As defined by the Cambridge dictionary, it is "the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family."            I believe, if I had consulted the late Gopal Sri Ram, he would agree with me on this. The former federal judge remained low key during the trial of Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor because he knew the moment, he said something -- in fact, anything -- he would come under attack. This is very unhealthy for a country that is supposedly "progressive&qu

Pembakaran Kitab Suci Perlu Dikenakan Tindakan Tegas

Rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Islam tergores hati kerana seorang ahli politik di Sweden membakar kitab suci Al-Quran.           Di negara Barat, mereka tidak ada undang-undang yang melarang perbuatan keji seumpama ini. Itulah sebabnya kerajaan Sweden sehingga hari ini enggan mengambil tindakan terhadap ahli politik tersebut.           Sejurus kemudian, satu pula kumpulan cuba membakar kitab Torah, kitab suci orang Yahudi. Tujuan mereka hanya setakat menunjukkan betapa hipokritnya kerajaan Sweden untuk membenarkan Rasmus membakar Al Quran di depan Kedutaan Turki.           Sebenarnya bakar-membakar kitab suci agama orang lain sudah kerap berlaku di dunia yang pelbagai agama dan bangsa.            Lazimnya, ini perbuatan pemimpin-pemimpin yang bersifat ekstremis. Mereka hanya ingin mendapat perhatian dari orang ramai. Kemungkinan besar mereka ini mempunyai sakit jiwa tetapi kita orang terjunam bersama mereka dalam kontroversi yang boleh membawakan pertumpahan darah.           Jikalau ker

How Obnoxious can Faiz and Wan Saiful be with their "nonsensical" statements!

  I find it obnoxious for two of Bersatu leaders to make disparaging remarks when Minister of Local Government and Development, Nga Kor Ming mentioned in a press interview that his ministry has received confirmation from the Government of Singapore to send experts from the Housing Development Board of Singapore in February.           Both  Bersatu supreme council member Faiz Na'aman and its  information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan are uttering what I call "toxic rubbish" when one accused Nga of undermining "national sovereignty" and the other saying that the entry of these HDB experts will undermine the fate of the bumiputera.  Politics of "Toxic Rubbish"           It is as good as saying that if the country continues to be led by such narrow-minded green horns, Malaysia will return to the stone age. Truth is we won't become Flintstones, but we will be known to the world as another North Korea or Iran. This is exactly how ridiculous both Faiz and Wan

Great Leaders Make an Impact on Lives of Ordinary People

  Click the image above to read the article Anwar's visit to Permatang Pauh should be emulated by all politicians                When Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's Prime Minister finally made it to visit Permatang Pauh during his recent official visit to Penang, it brings him closer to the voters who may have thought that he had abandoned them.                As the proverbial Malay saying goes, some politicians have become like ' kacang lupakan kulit. ' After winning the general election, they disappear into their ivory towers and hide away from the people.                When issues are brought to their attention, they spread rumours that the complainants are "difficult to work with," when in the first place, they had never met the complainant personally nor spoken to her.                Their arrogance of these representatives of the people is simply obnoxious. After winning an election, they think they have achieved success through their own popularity.    

Weed Out Corruption

            Anwar Ibrahim hit the nail on the head when he said that the cost of living is the result of corruption and cartels .           And, he is right to say that the public is keeping an eye and more willing to report any form of corruption, because we have reached a level that we can no longer tolerate the culture of paying bribes.          It is time for business people now to step forward to highlight their complaints, if there is any attempt to squeeze them for money. After all, n o business person with a right frame of mind would be happy to pay bribes if they can do without it.           It is those with the connections with the authorities who are willing to pay bribes in order for them to monopolise the market.         Such cartels I believe also exist in almost every sector of our economy, and not confined to only the powerful industry cartels.           For example, tow trucks and funeral parlour operators are known to be collaborating with some policemen or hospital

Ampun Tuanku, Perkenankan Patik Meluahkan Perasaan Patik, Tuanku

            Ampun Tuanku, Perkenankan Patik Meluahkan Perasaan Patik, Tuanku!          Amat menggerunkan dan menyedihkan hati patik apabila membaca bahawa sekarang pula kerajaan Sabah runtuh selepas Barisan Nasional menarik sokongan kepada Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) yang dipimpini Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.          Episod ini yang bermula dengan Langkah Sheraton adalah satu arah aliran yang amat tidak sesuai semasa negara dilanda pelbagai cabaran ekonomi dari dalam dan luar negara.           Di negeri Sabah sudahpun berlaku pada kali kedua selepas Kerajaan Negeri yang dipimipini mantan Menteri Besar Shafie Apdal juga runtuh.           Dalam tempoh 27 bulan sahaja berlaku sekali lagi satu episod yang mengancam kestabilan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Sabah.           Saya percaya pada masa yang sama episod ini juga akan berulang di peringkat Kerajaan Persekutuan kerana mereka yang terlibat dalam Langkah Sheraton akan cuba menjatuhkan kerajaan pimpinan Saudara Anwar Ibrahim.           Seben

The free culture must stop

LETTER  | I agree with Selangor state executive councillor Ng Sze Han on the need to impose a certain fee for foreigners using PJ City Bus service in Petaling Jaya. Although I am never impressed with the performance of Ng, a Kinrara assemblyperson and a state exco since two years ago, nor Bandar Utama state assemblyperson Jamaliah Jamaluddin, what they have to say on imposing this charge makes sense; therefore, it should be viewed positively. Although I am always defending the oppression of the poor, I think there are simply causes that are not meant to be defended, especially if it goes against some basic rules in life. Most people can, in fact, afford to pay for an expensive meal with their friends at Starbucks or Coffee Bean, which I myself can ill-afford unless I have no other choices, but they would complain about paying RM1 for public transport. In any country that you go to, the priority is always the citizens. This is not necessarily a form of discrimination, since the resource