How Obnoxious can Faiz and Wan Saiful be with their "nonsensical" statements!


I find it obnoxious for two of Bersatu leaders to make disparaging remarks when Minister of Local Government and Development, Nga Kor Ming mentioned in a press interview that his ministry has received confirmation from the Government of Singapore to send experts from the Housing Development Board of Singapore in February. 

        Both Bersatu supreme council member Faiz Na'aman and its information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan are uttering what I call "toxic rubbish" when one accused Nga of undermining "national sovereignty" and the other saying that the entry of these HDB experts will undermine the fate of the bumiputera. 

Politics of "Toxic Rubbish"

        It is as good as saying that if the country continues to be led by such narrow-minded green horns, Malaysia will return to the stone age. Truth is we won't become Flintstones, but we will be known to the world as another North Korea or Iran. This is exactly how ridiculous both Faiz and Wan Saiful are with their statements. 

        I would that they come out with more intelligent arguments against Malaysia's collaboration with Singapore. After all, these experienced HDB officers did not have to come and share their knowledge with Malaysians, if they see us their competitors. 

        They come as fellow ASEAN members of equal sovereignty, but such is the kind of politics that have since been rejected by the people, when they accused Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim as spy of the US, Israel, China and Russia. 

        Instead of being grateful now that Anwar is shouldering the responsibility of leading the country through another tough year of economic uncertainties, people like Pas President, Hadi Awang is spewing out more insensible statements about giving charity to the voters, when it was clearly a form of bribery when voters were given cash handouts to vote for Pas in the last general election. 

        Wan Saiful, for example, should also be grateful that it took Nga to convince the HDB experts to help Malaysia. After all, there are such things as government-to-government collaboration, and if Wan Saiful does not know this, he should just keep his mouth zipped up rather than to show his folly to the rest of the country. We are all watching him. 

        In fact, there are so many things that our paddy farmers can learn from the country which has already started using this technology to plant paddy that I would strongly suggest that Minister of Agriculture, Mat Sabu spend some money out of our country's coffers to bring a group of enterprising farmers, regardless of race or religion, to study how paddy farming is done in this video. I believe it is either in China or in Vietnam. 

        To ensure higher productivity of rice and reduce the need to import from other countries, Malaysia has to begin using the latest technology in paddy farming. Wan Saiful can continue to argue that when machines are used, the buffaloes will lose their jobs. That is his prerogative, if he is not willing to move forward.

        When discussing about our education system, a friend said we do not even need to do anything: Just copy the syllabus from Singapore. 

        I initially thought that politicians will immediately concoct all sorts of "toxic rubbish" and accusing the present Minister of Education, Fadhlina Sidek of being used as "a pawn of DAP to use a syllabus that is developed by a PAP government, which is a republic that is eventually linked to the Communists of China and the Capitalist of the US, which supported the Zionists. Therefore, Fadhlina is turning Malaysia into another Communist country." What convoluted logics! 

        In fact, my simple argument: why reinvent the wheel if we can find a system that is good for the country, and the other sovereign nation is willing to share? All we need to do is to just adapt it to suit our local environment.

        All Malaysians should reject such politicians who have brought Malaysia to where it is today - a regressive nation. Talking about "our sovereignty" as if we had lost it, our country is now a major supplier of manual workers to Singapore. 

Bersatu's Conspiracy Theory 

        Back to the HDB "controversy" of Bersatu: Malaysia certainly has a lot to learn from the many years of experience of the HDB experts in Singapore after I watched this video. Click the image to watch the video.

        Perhaps, this video can be translated into Bahasa Malaysia so that both Wan Saiful and Faiz can understand what the lady is saying about the 'Hidden People' in Singapore before they start saying that Tik Tok is trying to undermine the national language or that Singapore is hiding its own people to spy on Malaysia's success.

        To put it further to 
Faiz, he should explain how inviting officers from another country to share their knowledge with us can undermine our national security. I would like to see what arguments he can bring forward in the current debate.

        In fact, through a G2G arrangement, a number of foreigners have visited our different ministries throughout the years. Based on my memory, there were Kazakhstan officers who visited various ministries and even private universities some 15 years ago to learn from us. Maybe, Faiz and Wan Saiful were still in their diapers to remember.

        Faiz should also use the same argument about his perception of threat to national security, whenever there is a joint military exercise between the armies of Singapore and Malaysia. 

        Perhaps, when our Royal Malaysian Navy held a joint exercise dubbed Malindo Jaya 26AB/22 with their counterpart from Indonesia from August 29 to September 3, last year, they should be tried for treason, going by Faiz's logics. 

        The bottomline of my message to both Wan Saiful and Faiz: You are bankrupt of ideas, so the more you speak, the more we see can what kind of leaders Malaysia will have when you run the government. Please show that you can be better leaders, not people who can spew out "toxic rubbish." 

If you can't watch the video on Tik Tok, click on this instead:


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