Now I understand even better why Allah was used to translate the word God

       Besides the fact that Elohim is translated as Allah because  the translators saw it was consistent with the translations in countries as far as Arab and as near as Indonesia, there is one other reason why they use the word Allah.

       The reason is seen in the use of the word TUHAN in all capital letters for the word “the LORD.”

       The word in the original Hebrew is the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHVH) which is often read as אֲדֹנָי Adonai which means Lord or Master (see below):

       The English rendition to the word יהוה in the Old Testament is ‘the LORD.’

       The translation job is a very meticulous job of comparing manuscripts of old and the later translations to see how a certain word has been translated by others. Bible translators cannot anyhow coin their own words and do a simple form of translation. It has to be done with precision. 

       The word Allah means the Almighty referring to God, hence the short form El-, Al-, and its various conjugations such as Elah, Elahe, Eloi in Hebrew and Aramaic (cf Daniel 2:47). 

        This probably explains why “the LORD God” from the original Hebrew אֲדֹנָי יהוה 

is, in fact, consistently translated as the LORD God. 

       This makes it very obvious that the Bible translators were not up to some mischief or as alleged by our Muslim  cousins as trying to proselytise to them.


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