The Singing PMX


By FocusM


His critics may once again feel jealous of him, but who cares, everyone wants to enjoy a song sung by the country’s very own Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

If his songs can turn the civil servants in the country to work harder rebuild the country, and if his songs can bring about healing for the nation, already torn apart by politics of the 3R – Race, Religion and Royalty - why not? 

While we have cautioned people not to idolize any leader, Anwar included, there is nothing wrong to enjoy along when the Prime Minister himself is singing along with the people. 


For example, at the official launch of Fire & Rescue Services Department in Tambun on March 13, unexpectedly, Anwar went on stage to perform the song “Azizah” to give the Bomba band an uplifting.


At another Aidilfitri do hosted by the Ministry of Finance, Anwar belted a song for his wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.


If he can mesmerize foreign investors or touriststo Malaysia with his songs, he should do it more frequently to woo people with the money to invest and spend in Malaysia, and turn the country into a favourite destination for all.

Going by his moniker PMX which stands for the tenth Prime Minister, Anwar has during his election campaigns often mesmerized his audience with his “live” performances

At one of his more recent campaigns, he has led the audience in singing songs such as this one "Hoi hoi ya hoi.. Siapa sokong penyamun?"adapted from a song “Lagu Penyamun” by the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee.


After all, this is how the PMX gets to relieve himself from the stress of many of his critics – and more importantly, he and his audience appear to enjoy it, too! 


Not many people know but he is known to be a great fan of the “King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. 

When asked whether he agreed to have the Elvis Presley of Malaysia, H.T. Long perform with him on stage during the 2013 general election, he immediately replied, “Yes, why not?” 


So, on July 15, 2012, during Nurul Izzah Anwar’s campaign in Lembah Pantai, Anwar made a special appearance when Long belted the song It's now or never.


He is also good at modifying some of the choruses, impromptu on stage to suit the occasion. To the applause of the audience, just before he delivered his speech, he sang the last chorus"It's now or never, we vote PR (Pakatan Rakyat). We save Malaysia, from Umno-BN. Tomorrow will be too late. It's now or over, my love won't wait.” 

At the wedding of his friend, Musly Ramlee’sdaughter, he also could not resist singing one of Elvis’ greatest hit from the 70s, Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.”


As the prime minister of a multiracial society, Anwar’s ability to sing songs in different languages is also a plus point. 

He sings Tamil songs like “Naan Anaivittal” with the Indian actor MGR impersonator at the Seri Setia campaign just before the 14th general election in 2018. of his Tamil rendition is still available on the social media:

For the Chinese songs, one of his favourite is the popular piece, Did you know or did you notknow? (你知不知道 知不知道我等到花兒也謝了你知不知道 你知不知道)


Another of Anwar’s favourite artist is the Alleycats, where he sang with singer David Arumugam the song, 'Sampaikan Salam' on at least two occasions. 


Can you sing like PMX?



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