Stop the Blame Game, and stop adding fuel to the fire; instead, more restraints should be the tall order for all Malaysians


By Erika Yoong 



IT is everyone’s wish that after the holy month of Ramadan is over, with the new month of Shawal, people will once again focus on boosting the country’s economy. 


All parties especially the political leaders should heed His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim King of Malaysia’s advice to “set an example for harmonious relations by working to bridge religious, racial, and cultural differences instead of adding to the division.

This is what every rakyat in this country wants – a prosperous nation, where its productivity and robust economy can help raise the standard of living for everyone. 


While addressing the Middle East conflict, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX)reminded the people to focus on reviving the economy and “safeguard the nation’s financial and economic stability.”


Restraint is the Key


Many of the issues faced by Malaysians such as thenumerous calls for boycott by different individuals and NGOs could have been avoided if everyone exercises restraint. 


While politicians think that they can show their prowess – or in the words of maverick Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh Dr Akmalto “demonstrate the power of Malays until it affects your business” – the truth is a call for boycott not only affects the businesses but the employees and the rest of the business landscape.

For that reason, even hypermarket and retail chain’s founder, Mydin Mohamed Ghulam Hussein, a Muslim like the Merlimau state assemblyman, was compelled to speak up in defence of his rival, KK Mart. 


Both Mydin and KK Mart may be rivals, but probably in persons, they are friends who can sit to have a meal together. This Eid is the best time for both business founders and Dr Akmal to come together to discuss how to further strengthen the retail sector. 

Akmal should call off the boycott, especially after he claimed to uphold the king’s decree. 

While it is understandable that Muslims were incensed by the appearance of the Kalimah Allah on socks and shoes and the kaabah on mini prayer mats, the issue would not have been blown out of proportion if the various parties exercised some self-restraints. 

No One is Happy


Ask any East Malaysian Christian and you will understand why they are equally grieved when thekalimah Allah, which they uphold in worship is being trampled upon, appears on shoes and socks.


As Asians, including the Buddhists and Hindus, we would not agree for people to walk over anything that is regarded sacred, yet, Christians have a slightly different response when it comes to the desecration of God’s Name, knowing that God Himself will avenge upon those who belittle or desecrate His name.  

A Better Way for the Future


Thereforethe prayer mat fiasco could have been handled differently. AEON Big has given its clarification. 


But, in retrospect, this writer believes that in order to avoid any public embarrassment, both netizens and the authorities should just highlight the mistake to the management quietly.


After all, to err is human, and to forgive is divine.


This would have been a better approach than to allow one ruckus after another hit the local and international mediaWhile subsequent drama was quashed immediately, KK Mart’s fiasco was the worse tide faced by the business owner because several characters were involved.


Very soon, these perpetrators who played with fire will have to face the long arms of the law and they have no one to blame, especially since His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim has also consented to meet the Youth chief, whose antics have also riled up the PMX. 


No Blame Game, please!


As if suddenly emerging from the observation deck, Bersatu youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal now puts the blame on AEON Big for not being sensitive or aware of supermarket operations.

What the Machang MP fails to realise is that many of the workers in AEON Big are, in fact, Muslims. 


Even in the KK Mart fiasco, a viralled CCTV video by Edisiumat shows that at least one of the two individuals assigned to place the socks in the chain stores in Bandar Sunway appears to be a Muslim

So why would a Muslim place rhe socks there had be realised something unusual about the socks? Click the image below to view the said TikTok video.



To make matters worse, PAS Youth chief Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden now makes a very dangerous claim that he believes “a certain cartel group which deliberately provoked the issue of religious and racial sensitivity in Malaysia. This cartel needs to be wiped out now! This is serious!”


Next, it will be another big witch hunt. While a few more innocent people may be dealt with by vigilantesthe country’s economy will go deeper into the doldrums as a result of race and religious politics, which not only destroy the social fabrics of a multicultural Malaysia, but also create a negative impression when potential investors and tourists read such news such as this one published by the CNN. 

Both PAS and Bersatu should not think that the world owes us anything, or that there now exists an international cartel out there to incapacitate the Malaysian economy. We are too insignificant for both the United States and China. 


The more important question everyone should be asking: Isn’t this, perhaps, the best time for both the Government and the Opposition lawmakers to bring quality debate into parliament and stop playing with race and religion? – April 15, 2024


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