Anwar is clueless about how to run the governemnt: how true is this statement?


Spy for Russia, the US or China? Maybe, a spy for Israel, too? Malaysians have to think more critically and not easily influenced by all kinds of propaganda 

FROM THE accusations of being a spy for Russia, and a secret agent for the United States of America and Israel, and of course, for China as well, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim spent ten years of his life in prison -- once, during former prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad's premiership and a second time, when Najib Razak was prime minister. 

        Now that he is Prime Minister, the attacks can only intensify. Within 100 days, a pundit wrote that Anwar did not have a clue on how to run a country. This, coming from a media owner which went bust, is something laughable. 

        But, what he said seems to be repeatedly said by many people -- or rather, to be more precise, by cybertroopers who are trained to carry out pyschology warfare -- in order to topple Anwar as the country's tenth prime minister. 

        After all, for the two loaded Tuns, there is a lot at stake -- in terms of billions of Ringgit stolen from the country's coffers over the years. 


        Within just less than 12 months, people wanted Anwar to come out with a long term plan on where Malaysia is heading to. The naysayers claim that Anwar has no vision, no plan, no direction for the country.

        But did they know that we were -- and are still -- in the midst of the Twelfth Malaysia Plan until 2025. Isn't RMK12 also the country's plan? 

        Within such a short span of time, they expected Anwar to come out with a vision similar to Dr. Mahathir's Vision 2020. 

        What most people do not ask is: Despite the Grand Plan that Dr Mahathir had, did Malaysia achieve all the nine strategic challenges?

        What I find amusing is that they are willing to be lied to by the former prime minister of 22 years and 22 months, but they would not give Anwar who has only become Prime Minister for 22 months, and without being paid a salary, too! 

        In his review, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang wrote this, calling all these nine strategic challenges as abject failuresI quote:

It is precisely because all nine of the strategic challenges of Vision 2020 as articulated by Dr Mahathir in 1991 are abject failures today that Malaysia has regressed from a first-rate world-class nation to a second-rate mediocre country and is in danger of ending up as a third-class divided, failed and kleptocratic state on Malaysia’s centennial in 2057.    


Be Fair

        Anwar and his unity government has only been around for less than one term. 

        Isn't it too much to expect Anwar to come out with a long-term plan within the first 12 months when, in fact, it took Dr Mahathir 10 years before he came out with Vision 2020. Vision 2020 was only unfolded in 1991, exactly one decade after the "old fox" became the country's fourth prime minister. 

        Forget about the grand plan, Anwar's priorities for the first few years are to fix the excesses and problems on the ground. The damage affecting this country is simply too great.

        In order to understand where he is heading, you have to study him, and instead of being gullible and believe everything you read on social media, you have to think critically what you hear or read in the social media. In short, do not be carried with the wind, whichever direction it blows. Instead, analyse the news and make your own observations. 

        Allow me to elaborate more, and show you my own here to read further. 



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