Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

MANY Malaysians desire a better country to live in but often overlook their own contributions. 

        As John F. Kennedy famously said in his Inaugural Address on January 20, 1961: "Ask not what your country can do for you."

        Instead of being armchair critics, shouldn't we provide constructive criticism or suggest ways to address issues? Don’t we have a duty to prevent the country from sliding further down?

         Many people sit in their echo chambers, spewing negativity but never offering solutions or writing letters to the editor. Efforts to reform the country do not stop at the polling booth. Anwar Ibrahim, who led the Reformasi Movement, is now Prime Minister.

       However, the burden of reforming the country shouldn't fall on his shoulders alone. Each of us has to do our part. Why? There is significant resistance to reform. Old habits die hard. When Anwar launched his anti-corruption campaign, many public servants taking bribes knew they had to work hard to topple his administration.

         Now that the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is operating at full speed, with a few cases every week, the corrupt are worried they could be next. Certain privileged families, especially those who have siphoned off billions from the country's coffers, are also concerned. The myth that a person with a Tunship is protected from prosecution is being debunked. We have seen one Tun charged recently, and the trial should begin soon. Another Tun and his family may also be hauled up to face court.

        As things unfold, we must concentrate on rebuilding the country. The fight against corruption has to begin with ourselves. Although many of us know that corruption destroys the country, do we still continue to pay bribes instead of accepting summonses? If we are pushing for Reformasi, shouldn't we begin by saying, "No Corruption, please!"

           If we can't even reform ourselves, we shouldn't expect the country to transform into the next Asian Financial Tiger. We will remain a backward nation, trailing far behind the City of Lion.

        My fellow Malaysians, stand up and be counted.


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