From keeping an eye for missing girl, what a breakthrough for PDRM. Bravo!


They say credit must be given where it is due.

        The Royal Malaysia Police deserves to be praised for acting coherently in the arrest of five suspects in a kidnap case in Johor Baru involving a 6-year-old girl. Let's pray that the girl has not been harmed.

        The public also deserve the applause for providing the police with fresh leads. Without social media, many of us would not be aware of this case. 

        I am sure that the mother is relieved after the daughter has been found. Imagine yourself in her position, what would your first reaction to the phone call from the police officer, "Puan, your daughter is already found. She is safe in our care. Please come to ...." 

        We share in her grief, we now share in her joy! 


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