When Angels come knockng ....

NOT many people know that Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has a soft spot for her constituency -- including the stray cats!

        I have just learnt today that Kak Wan, as she is fondly known to many, has set up a Taman Kuching Madani at Flat Sri Sabah, Kuala Lumpur. 

Previously, when I informed her that a couple working as social workers faced rejection from the Welfare Department, she forwarded me a report received from her assistant without saying a word.

        Most encouragingly, after her assistant Kuek Zhe Han looked into the couple's situation (unfortunately, the husband passed away due to cancer), the widow is now receiving monthly support from the Welfare Department.

        This is why I always say that a member of parliament's role is to solve people's problems. Word will naturally spread when they work hard to address issues on the ground.

Cats Dying, Help!

        Just this morning, I informed Kak Wan about the plight of some 20 cats in Sri Damansara. This time, she asked her assistant Edi to call me regarding these cats.

        I actually did not think she would respond because it is not within her constituency, but the fact that she did something speaks volume about her concerns for the stray animals. 

        In Selangor, all the politicians cared for are their own positions, not the people and certainly not the stray animals. See the comparison with Negeri Sembilan.

        Earlier, I had asked my 13-year-old daughter to write about these stray cats and kittens in her blog, but the response from some NGOs was poor.

        Sadly, another photograph was posted in the chat group by an unknown person. One of the cats was found dead on the street. If I showed this photograph to my girl, I know she would cry. 

        Instead, I forwarded it to Kak Wan, asking if she would be kind to take in some 20 cats into her Taman Kucing. To my surprise, she was willing and Edi told me that he will arrange for volunteers to come, trap the cats and bring them back to the Taman Kucing Madani in Cheras. 

        When I told my girl about the cats about to be taken to a place where people will cared for them before the cats are being adopted into good families, she was relieved. 

Big Issue with Stray Cats 

        Based on this article which I have just read, the idea of setting up the Taman Kucing Madani was inspired by Kak Wan herself. Listen to her speech. 


        Now, what does this tell me about Kak Wan as a MP? An author once, Paul McCartney once wrote: "“You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.”  I shall contextualise it in this blogpost.

        "You can judge an MP's true character by the way she treats the stray cats." Kak Wan, we love you! How many MPs are like her? Send this to your MP and let him know to follow her example. We do not expect the MPs to solve everyone's problems, but at the very least, show that they care. After all, who placed them there? 

        Thank you on behalf of these stray cats who do not have a voice of their own! 



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