Who are the people you claim to represent?

MOST OF US do not need Opposition leader Hamzah Zainudin to voice our concerns as they have nothing to do with the rationalization of diesel subsidies and the proposal to privatize Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd.

        Hamzah should acknowledge that the "hate politics" we see today is the result of a clueless Opposition that continues to spew out all sorts of negativity instead of spending time to carry out research, unlike former lawmakers such as Rafizi Ramli and Dr. Ong Kian Meng.

        Much of today's politics played by PAS and Bersatu is based on false accusations and the exploitation of 3R (race, religion, and royalty) issues to fish for votes. 

        Most non-Muslim voters are fed up with Perikatan Nasional, including its president, Mahiaddin Yasin, who has yet to explain where his son-in-law is currently hiding. Within less than two years of becoming the country's prime minister, Mahiaddin has a number of pending court cases.

        With nothing to boast about from his premiership, Mahiaddin should return all the salaries he earned during his term as the country's Prime Minister, especially since there were no substantial efforts to revive the economy.

        So, before Perikatan Nasional's secretary-general claims the public is disillusioned with the government’s efforts to eradicate corruption, he should answer these questions:

1. What steps has the Opposition taken to research and propose viable solutions instead of resorting to hate politics?
2. How does the Opposition plan to address the pending court cases involving its members, including Mahiaddin?
3. Why hasn't Mahiaddin explained the whereabouts of his son-in-law?
4. What are the tangible contributions of the Opposition towards economic revival during Mahiaddin's premiership?

        These are critical issues that need addressing transparently and fairly before criticizing Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s government.


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