
Showing posts from August, 2024

Welcome to Jalan Palestin....

  The hue and cry over the Palestinian issue now is nothing but a hype created by propagandists who try to discredit Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.          This renaming of Jalan Raja Laut 1 to Jalan Palestine, was in fact during former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yasin's era. He was PM from  1 March 2020 – 16 August 2021.  The above article written by Ida Lim was dated Sunday 27 Sept 2020.           In October 2023, former prime minister Dr. Mahathir had given his 100% support towards Hamas. Why was there no big brouhaha over this in the past, and why only now?                    It is also obvious that this Hamas issue has brought together three political enemies in 2023 - Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yasin and Mat Sabu -- but why was there no hype over it? Why everyone is so worked up now but not back then? It's because some cybertroopers are working round the clock to leverage on this issue to target Anwar.          In an earlier post, I wrote 'Why All Hell Broke Lose?' : &q

Systematically Annihilating PMX ?

  It is with sadness that I share my observations on Malaysian politics, which seem to point to a concerning trend.           It's not that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is "perfect" or the knight in shining armour many Malaysians had hoped for.            As one gentleman put it, this is a choice between "the devil and the deep blue sea." Another person wrote: Who will be the Knight in Shining Armour then?           Trust me, keep my message, very soon, they will unveil the hero. It will not be Najib Razak, or Hadi Awang, or Muhyiddin Yassin. And definitely, not Dr. Mahathir Mohamad or Akmal Salleh.             They may choose a young leader to rally around and elevate in an effort to defeat Anwar and Pakatan Harapan.           It's worth noting that Chris Watson, founder of the Australian Labor Party, became Australia's youngest prime minister at age 37, but his term lasted only four months, from April 27 to August 18, 1904.           Once th

Let's be eagles, set our eyes to the sky and soar high

           Misinformation is aplenty but information like the above is hardly blasted out by the cybertroopers on social media.           As a result, people feel depressed. The country's economy is also dragged down as people are trying to save for the tough times.           During the 90s, the GDP growth was overheated, resulting in an increase in the bank interests. The interest rate, as I remember, breached the 10% rate.           People thought that the economy was doing very well. Spending was high, and market sentiments were good. Everyone thought Malaysia under Dr Mahathir Mohamad was an Asian Tiger until one man, George Soros exposed the fallacy.           Years later, when we look back, we realised that Dr. Mahathir had used the country's petrol money to build mega projects, many of which were unsustainable.            We are having to pay back in terms of tolls, bankruptcy and bailouts (e.g. his grand Perwaja Steel and his son's MISC), higher costs of maintaining

Misinformation and a Hype over the Palestinians brought into Malaysia shows it is a psychological warfare against the Madani Government: Why?

This video is being viralled. With it, the Chinese and Indians who are already unhappy with the former governments which sidelined them, feel more incensed against the Madani government.           Most of the attacks are on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) himself. Although for the first time, PMX allocated RM50 million to places of worship of non-Muslims, this pales off because of the amount of negativism people are watching on social media.           Take this video, for example, a closer look of the ambulances used shows that it is not local.           Most of the ambulances that you see on the street are different from the above enlarged image, which resembles ambulances used in Gaza:          Why then a video is put out onto the social media? To show you as if the Palestinians arriving in Malaysia were given a grand welcome while you or your relatives are not given the priority in the local hospitals? Is this not to strike your raw nerve to incense you against PM

A Timely Press Statement by the elderly Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye

PRESS RELEASE FOR NST 16.8.24 The stance by the new Mayor of Kuala Lumpur Datuk Seri Dr Maimunah Mohd Sharif that there will be zero tolerance for corruption is indeed a significant and much-needed step to pave the way for a clean and efficient administration.           It’s all the more significant since her commitment to a ‘clean’ City Hall was her maiden public announcement since taking office.           As a first step, she has instructed the department heads and the executive management to monitor enforcement officers and others  who are said to be the middlemen between the offerors and receivers of bribes.           Hopefully, this will eventually see a situation where under the table payments give way to over the table service.           The Mayor’s statement is not just a statement.  It is a signal that the city is set to embrace a more transparent and accountable governance model.           For businesses and individuals who have been the victims of corrupt officials, this mes

PUBLIC SERVANTS, you may be sabotaging your success and happiness and not even know it.

The moment you walk into the cafeteria at Menara Kuala Lumpur City Hall, any time between 8am through 4:15pm, you will see many people have their meals. Of course, this was about 20 years ago, but the situation has not improved.           It is like the proverbial saying, "Malaysians never stop eating 24 hours." Forget about the lunch and coffee breaks, every hour of the day, there are people eating in the cafeteria.           A resident in my area told me that one day, when she went to the Selayang Municipal Council some 10 years ago, she was suprised to see many of the staff hiding below the table discussing about their multilevel marketing business.           "At the counter, it appeared to be very busy with a lot of people, and a few staff working, but in the office, people were doing something else," she told me, when complaining about the local council.          There is nothing new what my friend said about our civil service. If they are still going on with t

Fleetcards being held back from small traders with lorries

I am angry. My anger is based on a righteous form of anger of how people can treat their fellow human beings.            You can help by spreading the word to the traders whom you buy things from. Help them if they have not received their fleetcard after applying for a long time.         Urge them to lo dge a complaint immediately with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN).           What Happened in this Case           When the government implemented targeted subsidies to stop all the smuggling of diesel to neighbouring countries, it takes into consideration that subsidies still need to be given to businesses that are part of the supply chain for food and other necessities.           Every year, millions of Ringgit are lost due to the smuggling activities. Cheap diesel is transported to sell elsewhere at a higher price. The enforcement division of KPDN has raided a number of places where diesel is being smuggled el