Softspot for the stateless people

If you ask me, there should not be any stateless person in the world.

        In fact, Malaysia's issue of stateless people was the result of the change of the Federal Constitution from jus soli to jus sanguinis on 31 January 1962. Jus sanguinis is a principle of nationality law that grants citizenship by the nationality of one or both parents. 

        However, many people are born stateless because of a number of other reasons. For example, how would you expect a Lun Bawang family, for example, to walk a few hours from their home in the deep forest of Sarawak in those days to register the children's birth? 

        Being stateless means you are nulla persona, a Latin term used in the legal system which literally means "no person." It refers to people who have no legal status in the country where they may be born or reside all their lives. 

A Perennial Problem

        For many years, we have had many cases of people whose application for citizenship had been rejected. Their problems continued for so many decades since the federal constitution was amended in 1962. 

        Although born here, many are unable to find jobs because they do not have proper identity documents such as the blue Identity Card, which allows them to apply for a bank account, jobs, passport or even a simple thing like going to a normal school.

        Many could have contributed to the GDP of this country, but they become the lost talents due to their status. Click the image below and listen to this short audio clip by a stateless person who lived in an orphanage until he was 18.

Click on this image to listen to his brief story

Thanks to the Madani Government 
        Thankfully since early this year, of the cases that I have referred to YB Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, the Minister of Home Affairs, a number of them have received their citizenship papers. 

        These are cases under Article 15A of the federal constitution, where most people have had their applications rejected without a reason in the past. 

        For those who do not know, Saifuddin Nasution is the only Home Minister in the history of this country who paid his attention to solving the biggest headaches that has been plagueing the country for many decades. 

        It is a thankless job for him. Honestly, he will not be gaining any votes from the people whom he has helped, which only goes to show that he is genuinely concerned for the stateless people. If these people were to turn up at his campaigns in the coming general election, I am sure their testimonies will mean a lot to the voters. 

        Now, these stateless people have finally found a lease of life after they received the certificate of citizenship. 

Stateless Girl with SLE 

        The most gratifying case is that of Belle Chok. Stateless, she was also diagnosed with SLE at the age of 10. Now, after nearly ten years, she has finally received a letter which brought her tears of joy. 

        She wrote: 

"A big thank you to everyone in helping me when i am in the midst of applying for citizenship. Appreciated it. With all the help from YB Dato Seri Saifuddin, YB Hannah Yeoh and YB Lim Lip Eng along the journey, i am granted as A Malaysian.Thank You once again in helping me and i am now a normal citizen with a heart to travel to the place i wanted to, i am very grateful that all my family, my aunt Angie Lim and a friend to my aunt Uncle Stephen who always help me, running up and down doing everything for the kewarganegaraan.Even when i get SLE in young age, i am unlucky for a teenager who want a normal life to be like other people healthy but at least i am granted to be a malaysian now, I always feel better by each other day because got my aunt and my family who always being  supportive and taking good care of me when i am diagnosed with SLE. I wanted to thank Doctors from Selayang Hospital (paediatric) especially to Dr Tang & Team who guided and helped me when i diagnosed.I love u guys, u guys are my hero."

Belle Chok

        Let me end with these words from a Singaporean friend: 

"Her one simple request is to be a Malaysian while most Malaysians are griping that they are one." 


To all my friends, and to my children, this is what I always say: 

"I have just done my small part; God did the rest of it. All glory to Him.

“So you also, when you have done everything commanded of you, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’ ” Luke 17:10.

        See what else is coming to Malaysia as we move forward as a nation. Let us fight corruption and cut down on subsidies which go into the pockets of the elites and the smugglers. Instead, let the money be used to bring about a better lifestyle for all Malaysians.



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