
Showing posts from March, 2025

Tauladan Datuk Bandar Petaling Jaya perlu dicontohi/ PJ Mayor is worth emulating

For the English version scroll below to read the text in blue. Perhubungan secara WhatsApp adalah paling mudah untuk rakyat biasa.           Perhubungan saya dengan Datuk Bandar MPBJ, Hj. Mohamad Zahri b. Hj. Samingon memberi peransang kepada saya bahawa, bukan saja adanya seorang datuk bandar yang prihatin terhadap rakyat, tetapi pegawai-pegawai serta warga MBPJ juga memberi harapan bahawa Petaling Jaya akan terus maju.          Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan RIBUAN terimakasih kepada pekerja-pekerja MBPJ yang bertungkus-lumus pagi hari ini untuk memperbaiki satu penutup 'manhole' yang rosak dan merbahayakan kepada motorsikal.          Whatsapp ini dikirimkan kepada Datuk Bandar Zahri, dan beliau terus menjawab, "Akan disantuni segera." Whatsapp seumpama ini dapat memberitahu beliau segala masalah di tapak tanpa perlu membuat lawatan ke tapak.          Me...

Protect yourself from Scams

To protect yourself in from cyber crimes, I suggest all of you set up a bank account only to be used on your daily phone as your Petty cash. Put a certain amount in it for daily use. Top up only when necessary. Use a dedicated device installed with Internet security used only in the privacy of your home for banking matters.

Aurora! Aurora! Open the Door!

A 14-year-old girl fainted while she was in the school toilet. She was later diagnosed with presyncope, a condition where a person faints but remains semi-conscious and can still hear voices.           "Aurora! Aurora! Open the door!" she heard her friend Abigail calling from outside the toilet. However, Aurora was too weak to even touch the doorknob.           In desperation, Abigail decided to do the unthinkable. The only way to get behind the locked toilet door was to crawl underneath it.           Within moments, she managed to do just that, and finally, the door was unlocked.           Thanks to Abigail's quick thinking, she was able to help Aurora reach a safe place before calling for the teachers. By this time, several teachers had already gathered at the ladies' toilet.          This brings to mind the Pingat Hang Tuah, an award that th...