
After the Musical Chairs game's over, Focus on the Economy and Serve the Rakyat

            After the political game of musical chairs is over, and a new unity government is formed, it is time for the new cabinet to focus on the country's sluggish economy.           As Anwar Ibrahim has put it, the new government will not be known as a PH government.           We like to see a more stable government to both inspire confidence in the people and foreign investors.  The new government should continue to run the country for the next five years before another general election is called.           No more musical chairs, please! Instead, look for a formula that can avoid another parliamentary impasse. Already this has happened twice, when a clear formula could have prevented such recurrence. Stop the Culture of Betrayal          Since the Anti-Hopping Law was passed, this has helped to address the problem of frogs and toads doing their party hopping.            Several of these people - especially Azmin Ali and Zuraida Kamaruddin on my radar - have lost their seats.

Dapatkah Gabungan Parti Sarawak bersama Muhyiddin Yasin dan PAS?

            Di Malaysia Barat, selepas saja video Muhyiddin Yasin diwarwarkan menyebut tentang agenda Yahudi dan Kristianisasi, Majlis Perundingan Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu, Sikh dan Tao Malaysia (MCCBCHST) terus mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar berkenaan dengan komen-komen mantan perdana menteri tersebut.           Sebagai seorang ketua Perikatan Nasional (PN) yang ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia, komen tersebut adalah amat tidak sensitif langsung terhadap rakyat berbilang kaum dan ugama.           Sekiranya ingin meraih undi orang Melayu, Muhyiddin perlu sedar bahawa komen-komen beliau yang tidak berasas sebegini adalah sangat merbahaya dan akan menyinggungkan perasaan pengundi-pengundi terutama sekali di Sabah dan Sarawak.           Kemungkinan besar kerana komen-komen sebeginilah yang menyebabkan ramai juga orang Kristian yang pada awalnya berniat mengundi calon-calon PN di kawasan bandar, tetapi tidak terjadi sehingga menyebabkan beberapa calon PN terkandas.  Manife

Ampun Tuanku, Harap Persembahan Patik yang Ikhlas diterima dengan Hati Terbuka

  By Stephen Ng  Tuanku, Ampuni patik kerana patik ini seorang hamba Marhaen yang tidak ada sebarang pangkat mahupun mempunyai kekayaan walaupun patik hampir di akhir riwayat patik. Patik terpanggil untuk menulis surat ini untuk meluahkan apa yang terbuku di  dada selama ini berkenaan dengan perkembangan politik negara ini di mana perkara yang luarbiasa boleh berlaku seolah-olah kita tidak lagi mendengar hati nurani lagi. Ya, Tuanku, walaupun PRU ke15 dijalankan musim tengkujuh, ramai rakyat keluar mengundi bersama-sama kerana PRU ini amat penting kepada masa depan negara selepas lebih 60 tahun di bawah Barisan Nasional (BN), Pakatan Harapan (PH) selama 22 bulan di bawah pimpinan mantan perdana menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, serta masa yang singkat di bawah pimpinan Muhyiddin Yasin dan Ismail Sabri Yaakob. Dalam Pilihanraya Umum   (PRU) ke15 baru-baru ini, blok terbesar adalah blok Pakatan Harapan (PH) dengan 82 kerusi, sementara Perikatan Nasional (PH) sebanyak 73 kerusi. Soko

Agong Plays an Important Role in a Hung Parliament

  (Press, please feel free to use this post) By Stephen Ng            WITH the 15th General Elections (GE15) currently underway, Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah has to make an important decision to decide who will be the 10th Malaysian prime minister, more so in the event of a hung Parliament.           Currently, there are several possible scenarios of how the GE15 will pan out.           Given the tight race, the chances of a hung parliament are high especially, with so many parties and collations out there wooing voters. This eventually makes it a tall order for the three main coalitions – Barisan Nasional (BN), Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Perikatan Nasional (PN) – to gain a two-thirds majority.           At a glance, many candidates are bound to lose their deposits – especially the indies (independent candidates) who are “mosquito parties”, more so if the voters are steadfast in focusing their attention on the three main coalitions.           As it is now, vo

Let's Learn MBWA...

          In GE15, I noticed that candidates have played on the need for MPs to be on the ground with the people.           For example, my childhood neighbour whom I have not met for over 50 years, Syed Razak Alsagoff puts on a pair of yellow boots to make a statement: "Don't play play with this MP."            Somehow the MPs in Pakatan Harapan have been fed a flawed understanding of their role out as national lawmakers, which causes a total disconnect with the constituents in some cases . I have personally experienced this with Tony Pua, when he became the MP of Damansara.         In the past, it was because a number of MPs and State Assemblymen from Barisan Nasional had been living in their own bubbles that caused many of us to work hard to kick them out.          It is not because I am picking on him, but his is an extreme example, and I have personal experiences with him for over two years. Others before my two years had complained against him, but I initially too

Credit to Whom Credit is Due

  This video has been in circulation lately.               Constitutional monarchs are supposed to be above politics. However, in this video, we see the Sultan of Perak,  Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah  unapologetically mentioning Pakatan Harapan (PH) in his royal address.                If the speaker were an ordinary senior government officer, he would have faced the disciplinary committee, but the fact that this came from the sultan himself speaks volume about the PH administration.                  It is very rare that  His Royal Highness would give the credit mention to a particular coalition unless he is truly satisfied with the PH government.  Credit to whom credit is due.                 While I will continue to openly chastise the PH leaders especially PH in Selangor under Amirudin Shari after the GE15, when private discussions failed to achieve the improvement one would expect of the government, I will give PH leaders the credit for what they have done for the country.

When you put someone who is not on the ground to design policies, this is what you will get....

  Only those who are blind supporters will praise such a lawmaker saying that he managed to save a lot of space by having five toilets in one cubicle. I don't want to be a bootlicker.