Why is Anwar being attacked from every angle?


I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media.

In a game of chess, the strategy is to bring down the King. Once you checkmate the king, the game is over. 

        Likewise, in the game of politics, the main target is always the leader. In Pakaran Harapan, for the past 25 years, Anwar Ibrahim has always been the key leader to fight for Reformasi and Keadilan. 

        It is not surprising therefore, the opponents will try to bring down Anwar. When Rafizi was once rising, he too was attacked. They attacked Kit Siang when he was helming the DAP, but when Guan Eng took over, Guan Eng was the focus of attacks.

        How do they attack Anwar? They have used all sorts of strategies, including putting him behind bars. Anwar spent 10 years in jail. This was to limit his activities, but realising that his popularity grew during that period, they knew that jailing the Opposition leader would only serve the purpose of driving support for him, both locally and internationally. 

        So now they are using cybertroopers to sway people's support from Anwar. They will cast some doubts about Anwar's leadership abilities; they will also make him look like a stubborn old man who should leave politics. 

        Why only Anwar? Why not Najib or Zahid? It is interesting that the same people who attack Anwar would not say the same for Najib or Zahid. 

        They ask Anwar to vacate his leadership role to allow younger PH leaders to rise. However, Najib and Zahid are no longer young leaders. But, these same people are silent about asking Najib and Zahid to leave BN. 

        Ask yourself why? Of course, they will argue that they are "PH Supporters"; hence, they have no business in asking Najib and Zahid to leave BN to younger leaders. 

        My question to them is: Why not? I will tell both Najib and Zahid to leave BN since they are the cause of BN's downfall. 

        Anwar will eventually have to do that, but he needs to ensure that there is victory first for PH. Younger leaders like Rafizi, Nurul, Hannah, Bee Yin, Fuziah, among others need to be groomed to take over. 

        How has the Cyber troopers and BN strategy changed? In the past, they used doctored videos to cast doubts on Anwar's character. A PH lawmaker who was familiar with the Thai makeup artists told how someone can 'appear' like Anwar in the video. Later, it was exposed -- and people knew the video was a fake one. 

        They also accused Anwar as a spy for different countries. None of these we believed. Now, they are using cyber troopers who are planted into every social media platform to cast aspersions on Anwar. 

        They try to portray Anwar as a weak leader. They try to create the impression that majority of the people want Anwar to leave PH. Slowly, they will be able to sway people's support from Anwar. That's basically the herd strategy where public opinion can be swayed by a few people. It takes time, but these people are paid to do the job. 

        Most of us, on the other hand, do not even receive a single sen from Pakatan Harapan leaders. We just want a change of government and hope that the corrupt leaders are ousted and a new set of leaders are installed. 



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