There are cyber troopers in every social media


I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media.

What do you expect a regime that has been ousted in the last General Election?

Of course, it will fight back. With plenty of money still there to splash, every attempt is, of course, to spend on winning the next general election.

After all, what is the use of the stolen money if these people go to jail? Every attempt to sway the rakyat’s support from PH to BN would be done – and one of it is to penetrate the social media with cyber troopers.

Hence, the civil society who are unaware can bet now that in every chat group there will be a number of cyber troopers. Some will stay there quietly and waiting for an opportunity to pounce the moment they see a weakness in PH.

How do we know there are cyber troopers? BN once controlled the major print media in the country. Since no one really reads the newspapers these days, where do you think they would put their cyber troopers but in the chat groups where people are chatting? They will appear with different names. Some are men, but they put a woman’s profile picture.

With most English dailies now in the red, both retired and retrenched journalists are moonlighting. You can see from the way some of them write, unless those days when I used to laugh, because obviously non-English speaking cyber troopers were trying to post comments in Malaysiakini using Chinese names, but they are obviously non-Chinese.  

Are we, therefore, to be afraid to comment? Why should we? This world does not belong to a bunch of crooks. We are the majority and we would not want a bunch of crooks to control, or create an atmosphere of fear in the country. Malaysians have shown their solidarity in the case of Sam Ke Ting.

What should we do then? In fact, with the presence of BN cyber troopers, it is good for people to express their disgust more with the Bosku, and all the policies implemented under the government of Mahiaddin Yasin and Ismail Sabri Yaakob. It is time to rout out the cybertroopers.

How do they operate? Cyber troopers are a bunch of hyenas. The moment you speak up against one of them, the rest will jump in to suppress you. This is where you have to speak out even louder, or help a mate from allowing these hyenas from suppressing the voices of the people.

They will always pretend to be former supporters of PH, but now, acting as people who are disillusioned. If they do not do this, how would they be able to sway your views about PH?

Obviously, these people do this for a small token, but they are destroying the country’s future by telling all sorts of lies. Their goal is to just help BN win the general election. 

Are some chat groups created by Cyber troopers under the guise of a PH support group? Sure. This is just a ploy for them to attract people like you and I as their target group.

Should we exit from these groups created by BN Cyber troopers? Of course, not! Stay in there, and express your disgust with the powers that be until it is being heard. These cyber troopers will report back to their masters on your behalf since you and I do not have access to their Bosku, but they have.


 Read Dr Mahathir and the Sheraton Move, Why Blame it on PH?

Why is Anwar the target of cyber attacks?



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