Dr Mahathir and the Sheraton Move Gang, Why Blame it on PH?


I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media

I always find it amusing that the blame is always on Pakatan Harapan, when something happens which is not necessary in the favour of PH. 

        When a bunch of politicians betrayed the rakyat, PH was blamed for trusting Dr Mahathir Mohamad too much or for taking in Mahiaddin Yasin into the fold. 

        As someone has rightly put it, "Politics is the art of the possible. No permanent friends. Nor enemies," in politics, your worst enemies may become your allies, and your best friends for now, may become your worst of enemies. 

        Most of us who are watching the politics of the day know that something was already brewing in PKR with the so-called Azmin gang. People were already expecting them to exit PKR, but not sure when.

        Such politicians have their own political ambitions, instead of the people's interest as their priority. 

        But what I find amusing is that when people like Azmin Ali and Zuriada Kamaruddin left PKR, the finger was again pointing at Anwar Ibrahim.

        Critics would spin off a story to tell you that Anwar as a president was too weak, and he had given too much room for Azmin to manouver. Why made him the Menteri Besar of Selangor? Why made him a minister in the cabinet? 

        Now, assuming that Anwar had wielded his axe much earlier, what would these same people say? They would say that Anwar was behaving like a dictator. 

        When these people finally defected, causing PH to collapse after 22 months, PH again became the target of ridicule. People became disillusioned were being fed with thoughts that PH had disappointed them.

        In the first place, did they know that the PH leaders themselves were also disappointed with the way how some of their own colleagues had played them out? 

        If you happen to be 'caught' in this kind of 'mind trap,' think back. Do you think in Barisan Nasional they do not have their own betrayals? Why the 'critics' are not saying anything about the betrayal? 

        If you care to observe carefully, the trend will become obvious to you. Many of these so-called 'PH supporters-turned-critics' are probably paid to do a job of poisoning people's minds or they are genuine PH supporters who have been swayed by the Cyber troopers. 

        Make your own observations. The same critics will always come out with another spin to things that could bring you back to support PH like my series of articles in this blog. 

        I decided to write because I see so many of these cybertroopers actively attacking PH, but PH has no money to hire its own cybertroopers but depend only on individuals like me who want to see this country getting on the right track again. 

Cyber Troopers are in Every Social Media 

Why is Anwar attacked left, right, middle, front and back?

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