Anwar and Najib may be having a teh tarik after the debate...


While discussing about the Anwar vs Najib debate, someone made a remark, "Sometimes I could help but to think these politicians were putting up some stage play and behind the scenes, they happily minum teh tarik & laughing at the rakyat's gullibility." 

        My reply, of course, is: "Why not?" 

        In fact, I have been saying this since pictures showing Jibbi and Anwar having coffee together in the lounge. 

        Again, my qeustion is: "Why not?"

        Why not? Do you want our politicians to wield their axes at each other in parliament outside? That kind of thuggish behaviours would turn the country into an anarchy. 

        These are supposed to be lawmakers. They are supposed to fight out in the august house before a law is passed. This is so that when a law is passed, the Hansard would at least put on record that the Opposition had done its job in resisting the law. 

        For example, in 1962, the Federal Constitution was amended and this amendment alone created a lot of stateless people. In the Hansard, you can see that while MCA's Tan Siew Sin and his gang supported Tunku Abdul Rahman in amending the constitution, the then Opposition sounded out their concern, which has become the nightmare for many a stateless person today. 

        The lawmakers who voted for the amendment were all from BN, but those who voted against it were from the Opposition. 

        If the Opposition did not resist the amendment, they would be blamed for it. But they did, do we then now crucify them for allowing the Federal Constitution to be amended? 

        Yet, this kind of logic is being used to sway the public opinion against the Opposition when, in the first place, it was the people who voted for these representatives to power who VOTED FOR the amendment to the constitution. Read this.


        In parliament, it is common for politicians to sit together in the canteen for a meal together. Occasionally, when I am invited to the parliament, or state assembly, during lunch, we would choose to sit with the 'enemies.' That's a healthy thing to do. 

        I may criticise Umno or MCA people. But, when we have a project together, we work like partners. We do not allow politics to divide us as a nation. 

        So, for goodness sake, let's make life more meaningful. Don't give in to narrow politics. 

        Read: GE15 



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