Be Honest with Yourselves


I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media.

To be honest, I have always wondered why "Pakatan Harapan supporters" (better known as BN Cybertroopers) criticise PH for all its failure, but stop short of criticising Barisan Nasional. 

        They will tell you that PH is weak, and will not be able to win the General Election because it is split and diunited. 

        To these people I always say, "It's a chicken and egg situation. Look, PH (or BN, for the matter) is like a balloon. You pump Helium gas into it. It gets inflated, and you will see it take off into the air." 

        If no air is blown into it, the balloon will remain just flat. Therefore, to criticise that PH is weak, it is just a reflection of one's own lack of commitment to go for change.

        Because you choose not to give PH your support, that's why it is weak. It is just as simple as that.

Read: Apa Malu, Bossku?


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