I think Umno has lost its moral bearing


I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media.

Something is desperately very wrong when you have a leader who has been convicted, yet you can shout, "Apa Malu, Bosku!" as though he is a celebrity in your midst. 

        Just ask some of your friends from overseas if they know who the US Department of Justice was referring to as Official No 1 in the 1MDB scandal, they will just smile. 

        News has flashed across the world that the DOJ was referring to Najib Abdul Razak. 

        When people can shout, "Apa Malu, Bosku!" (what is there to be ashamed, my Boss), it makes feel uncomfortable when their political party can win the coming general election. 

        A party that runs the country when it has lost its moral compass will only lead the country to both moral and financial bankruptcy. 

        If we care enough for the country, we would not want to go down the path of Sri Lanka. Our brothers and sisters there are sufffering as a result of not doing anything when their country was run by the kleptokrats. 




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