Welcome to the City of Venice!


Welcome to the city of Venice!

        Ooops, for some reason, I forgot that this is indeed the city of Kuala Lumpur where I have grown up as a child, and now, mourn over its gradual demise as a liveable city. 

        Here, skyscrapers rise to the sky to fulfill the ambitions of politicians who want to leave a legacy for themselves (in the process the cronies have their pockets filled with cash), but the city has become another eyesore to the world.

        Tourists would not want to visit Malaysia during the monsoon season. When tourists do not turn up at our doorsteps, businesses will suffer. 

        We know that there is only one thing certain whenever it rains: we have to get ready our gondolas and manouvre our way through the rivers of Venice. 

        Knowing Malaysians with their driving habits, there will be massive gondola jam all over th9s world class city of Kuala Lumpur (or, at least we have been told by self-serving politicians). 

Download the App: 'Gondola Grab for Hire'

        We all know that water retention ponds which are supposed to manage the additional water from a heavy downpour are slowly disappearing. Two MPs, Hannah Yeoh and Lim Lip Eng have spoken up on this.

        Given more time, even for another one term, we the rakyat will experience more suffering as a result.

        Well, we all deserve that, don't we? We want the Titans to be back because we are too impatient for the Transformers to do anything. 

        We blame the Transformers because one of their enemies had betrayed them.         We say they do not deliver given 22 months, but we expect a 'miracle' to happen to rebuild Rome after it had been burnt down while Emperor Nero was still playing the fiddle.

Read: Returns of the Titans


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