Will the Anti-Hopping Law be passed?


Citing a video clip, a friend said: "If the anti-hopping law is not passed, no point in going out to vote!"

        My answer: No, to vote is OUR duty as citizens. If we choose to vote, we are choosing to give the country to the pirates of the Caribbeans. By hook or by crook, we have to throw Captain Crook off the deck into the big ocean. 

        My point of argument: Well, at least the chances are better that we will be able to put the country back on track by having the right people, than totally losing this country into the hands of the kleptokrats again.

        Would Anti-Hopping Law be Passed? Who made you think that the anti-hopping law would be passed? When Pakatan signed the MOU with Ismail Sabri Yaakob, they know that the Anti-hopping law would not be passed. It was just a gentleman's way to show the rakyat that PH wants the anti-hopping law to be passed, and at the end of the day, they can use it during their campaign.

        Why would Umno want to pass the anti-hopping law? You must put yourself in Umno's shoes. Would you want to pass the anti-hopping law? They know that, if the anti-hopping law is passed, it would not work in their favour. After all, who has all the money to buy the toads (independents) and the frogs (MPs from the rival parties)? 

        Or put it in another way: Apart from Umno, which party has all the millions to spend to buy the toads and frogs? 

        Simple as that. I don't expect the anti-hopping law to be passed by Umno or even during PH time UNLESS PH has 2/3 majority in parliament.  

Also read: Be Honest with Yourselves


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