Kita Jaga Kita

Many have asked me, why I am pissed off with Pakatan Harapan in Selangor, and now even at the federal level

        The answer is: they are no different from Barisan Nasional (BN), Perikatan Nasional (PN), Gabungan Bersatu Sarawak (GBS), or whatever they call themselves. 

        These parties have been in power for too long, and we have seen how they behave, but PH, I have often stood up to defend the goons, so much so that they have taken it for granted that Stephen Ng will defend them whatever it takes. 

Many are demi-gods now

        Many of them have been literally worshipped by the people and they have gradually become as though they are the gods in the kayangan. 

        I don't need to elaborate, but I will go straight to something which I woke up this morning with. 

        It is time that we have an unspoken consensus that we snub all the politicians. 

        They are the second or maybe the third class citizens, and if anyone wants to go into politics, they better think twice whether they want to serve the rakyat. 

        I have done enough of my diplomacy, and even went to the extent of chastising them in public for their misdeeds towards the rakyat. 

How to Snub Politicians

        Let us SNUB POLITICIANS, and I have to add, their BOOTLICKERS as well, whether they are from the Ruling or the Opposition parties. It may take one generation to see this happening, or it can be very fast depending on how the rakyat see my concept. How?

  • Stop attending their ceramahs. 
  • When they appeal for funds, give the money to the poor instead.
  • When they have money to throw, take it, but still cast our votes based on our conscience. As rakyat, voting is our obligation.
  • Stop joining any demonstrations which are political in nature. Give the okay sign to each other and disperse quietly once you detect any sign of politicians using you for their own political cause.
  • Stop attending court sessions to show your support to them.
  • When forced to attend a function, if the VVIP is a corrupt politician, snub them with simple cold shoulders. Everyone has an unspoken agreement to snub, soon the bootlickers will get the messages.
  • Stop clapping even when politicians say something to win your heart. Just snub them. Decide whether to vote for their party compared to their opponents' party.  
        After all, during hard times, it is the rakyat that have to care for themselves, leading to the slogan, "Kita Jaga Kita."  

Even the Sultan Snubs Them 

        When they do not even have the courtesy to reply to your letters or Whatsapp messages, instead block you, you just snub them when they need your support. Some of them do not understand basic courtesy and they are not interested to solve your problems.

        We do not need to throw them into rubbish bins like some more aggressive societies in the Europe (based on a video clip I saw). 
        Just snub them. Even the Sultan of Selangor recently snub the politicians from both sides when he bought a painting showing politicians behaving like apes and frogs in the august house. 

        Whether this SNUB POLITICIANS will take off within one or two generations, it depends on you and I. It can also take place before the next generation, if you are willing to help viral this out to your friends and translate into other languages. 

        Save all my blog posts on your computer to keep just in case someone hacks into this blog to  remove the posts. 


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