
Showing posts from November, 2022

Kenapa Orang Bukan Islam Boleh Terima Nik Aziz, Bukan Hadi Awang?

            Nik Aziz Nik Mat seorang tokoh PAS sebelum beliau meninggal dunia tahun 2015. Sebagai pemimpin PAS dan menteri besar Kelantan dari 1990 sehingga 2013, Nik Aziz mempunyai ciri-ciri yang jauh berbeza dengan Abdul Hadi Awang.           Kedua-duanya pun adalah ulama dan pemimpin utama PAS, tetapi saya lebih menghormati Allahyarham Nik Aziz.           Sikap suka merendahkan diri, beliau disanjung tinggi bukan sahaja di kalangan penyokong-penyokong PAS, malah ramai yang bukan Islam.  Perbezaan Dari Segi Persepsi          Beliau juga dianugerahkan oleh  Gerakan Rakyat Anti Korupsi (GERAK) pada tahun 2008 sebagai Menteri Besar yang memiliki rekod paling bersih di Malaysia.           Sementara itu, pada waktu Hadi Awang sebagai presiden PAS, media Sarawak Report pernah menulis berkenaan dengan penerimaan dana sebanyak RM92 juta.            PAS membawa ketua pengarang Sarawak Report ke mahkamah di United Kingdom, tetapi sebelum perbicaraan bermula, kes itu ditarik balik dan PAS terpa

Will Zahid become DPM?

  Many people have asked me this question, "Will Zahid Hamidi become deputy prime minister (DPM) under Anwar's Unity Government?"           As it is, I think it is premature to ask this question as Anwar has just said that he will consider all views, and make his decision soon.           No one knows the answer at this point in time. However, there are several points to take into consideration: (a) Further Abuse of Power? As pointed out by some, not appointing Zahid could mean that the government could again collapse, as Anwar would be painted as one who does not keep his promise. After all, they would say that, it was Zahid who pushed for a unity government with Pakatan Harapan (PH).  As it is, some of them, including  Umno Youth treasurer Johari Yazid, have already voiced this out. Umno has yet to learn that it is the rakyat that have given PH the mandate to introduce reforms as soon as possible in order to bring the country forward.  Going for cabinet or even GLC posts

Bawa Pulang Tony Pua Bantu Kerajaan

Saya seorang berbangsa Cina, dan seorang pengkritik mantan parlimen Damansara, Tony Pua selama dua tahun kebelakangan ini.          Walaupun saya menyokong Pakatan Harapan, saya tidaklah seorang penyokong yang buta. Seperti pepatah Melayu, `Buang yang keruh, Ambil yang jernih.'          Tony Pua mungkin seorang `introvert' (dan kemungkinan besar seorang yang ada kebolehan fungsi tinggi walaupun autistik seperti Encik Jan Chan di Singapura).          Memang orang sedemikian  tidak akan faham tentang pentingnya pergaulan dengan bukan saja orang-orang yang tidak dikenali, malah orang-orang yang dikenalinya.          Orang-orang sebegini tidak sesuai memegang jawatan di mana pergaulan dengan orang-orang lain amat penting. Sebab inilah saya percaya Tony Pua kehilangan sokongan akar umbi di DAP negeri Selangor.          Dia juga sedar bahawa ramai pengundi amat keciwa dengan prestasi tugasnya seorang ahli parlimen di kawasan parlimen Damansara. Dia kurang faham bahawa sebagai seorang

Suggestions for the new cabinet

  Here are jus some suggestions for the new cabinet. Please come back to the same link as I will add more suggestions here for the convenience of people who want to cherry pick ideas: Appointment of new cabinet. Anwar has an easy job in appointing a smaller cabinet. Make sure that the key leaders in coalition parties given the first choice, based on their number of candidates. Anwar should make sure that the coalition party leaders cannot demand for ministries that they have opportunities for major corruption again. Give the Ministry of Finance, for example, to only people with a high level of integrity. With half the salary, Anwar can get more altruistic people to serve in his cabinet. Of course, these ministers need to be able to survive and live comfortably, but their altruism will drive them to great heights. Go for the bonus scheme. If they do a great job, reward them accordingly to compensate their hard work and their willingness to take on the job at half the salary. After all,

Realistiklah dengan Harapan Kita terhadap Anwar

               Saya pernah berkata sebelum ini pada tahun 2008, kemudian pada tahun 2018, dan kini pada hari sejurus selepas Anwar Ibrahim dilantik oleh Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong (SPDA) sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke10.                Tolong jangan letak harapan terlalu tinggi lagi terhadap Pakatan Harapan (PH). Kita harus realistik bahawa untuk Anwar dan PH membawa perubahan kepada negara, ia akan mengambil masa sekurang-kurangnya dua penggal.                 Semoga menjelang penggal ketiga, kita akan melihat peningkatan yang besar. Jika anda telah menonton video yang saya kongsikan ini, jadikan ini impian kita.  Sesiapa yang ada video sebegini dalam Bahasa Malaysia, sila kongsikan                Malah, bagi kebanyakan kita, ini bukan sahaja impian Sdr Anwar tetapi impian kita bersama.                 Oleh itu, jika kita ingin mencapai impian ini bersama, marilah kita sebarkan video pendek itu jauh-jauh sehingga mencapai critical mass demi mencapai impian tersebut.    

Be Realistic with your Expectations of Anwar

            I have said before in 2008, then in 2018, and now on the day immediately after Anwar Ibrahim was installed as Prime Minister of Malaysia.           Please do not have too high expectations again of PH. We have to be realistic that for Anwar and PH to bring changes to the country, it will take at least two terms. Hopefully by the third term, we will see great improvement.          If you have watched this video that I have shared here, make this our dream as well.          In fact, for many of us, t his is not only his dream but ours. Therefore, if we want to achieve this dream, let us spread the short video far and wide so that it reaches critical mass in order to achieve the dream.         There is no point if we blame Anwar  when we he fails to achieve the dream. What can one person achieve?           My answer is: Very limited. What Anwar and his team can achieve is only very limited.            So,  If they fail to achieve everything we expect of them, it is understanda

Time for National Healing ala South Africa?

  News has gone out that DAP's Secretary-General Anthony Loke has apologised on behalf of the DAP to Abang Johari.                Whether this is a genuine decision to seek for forgiveness on both sides is yet to be seen, as politicians are already notorious for their pretence. However, another word has come out from DAP chairman himself, Lim Guan Eng.                This, amidst the Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong, and I believe also at the advice of Pakatan Harapan's chairman, Anwar Ibrahim who himself extended an olive branch to his former nemesis, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has to be genuine.                If it is, it certainly brings a lot of cheer to people whom I shared the good news with. Their enthusiastic responses have shown that people want to see national reconciliation.                The political impasse to appoint the next Prime Minister has dragged on for far too long. It is hoped that by today itself, the YDPA will appoint the prime minister and allow the govern