
Showing posts from December, 2022

MPs are only 10% correct when they say they are not longkang MPs

            When Subang Jaya state assemblywoman, Michelle Ng wrote this, michelle.ngmeisze Throwback to SS15/2-3 KRT's Christmas 🎄 Celebration! When I attend programmes, it's so that I can meet residents and listen to the pulse on the ground. I also take the opportunity to listen to issues that needs to be addressed and provide an update about state policies and local matters. #SubangJayaKitaPunya #KitaSelangor           I wrote on her Instagram to further reinforce the message to her and other elected representatives that they are not elected to live on the ivory tower: That’s the way to go! I do not know who distorted the whole thing before this to the point that MPs think their job is just on policy matters. They are not wrong but only 10% correct          To make sure that all MPs and State Assemblymen get my message,  I have emphasised once again: MPs job is not to live on ivory tower to craft out the national policies.           Although I do not dispute s

Bravo, YB Teresa!

Video is courtesy of          Imraz Ikhbal complained about some DBKL enforcement officers going on the round to look for opportunities to bully traders selling Mandarin oranges.           They will find fault with these traders and after a few visits, they would gradually ask and even demand for bribes. We are all very familiar with such stories but what Imraz has done is worth emulating. Time to take on Bribe Seekers          Instead of keeping quiet about it, Imraz has shared his complaint using an audio recording, urging action to be taken against Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers who are collecting bribes from those who are willing to pay.           As a result of his voice messages, even DBKL senior officers have gone on the ground to record statements from the traders. We hope some form of disciplinary action will be taken against the enforcement officers as they are getting bolder by the day.           As Imraz puts it, "Most

National Food Security: Kickstart your Horticulture

  By Stephen Ng Let me begin by saying that I do not have green fingers, yet two papaya trees in front of my house have been producing some of the sweetest fruits for the past six months.       Most importantly, the fruits are free and fresh from the trees. Having tried vegetables in my small garden to making bean sprouts, I find that growing papaya trees is the easiest to handle.       All you need is just to put the seeds into the soil, and a few months down the road, you are ready to harvest your fruits.       In our efforts to improve our national food security, we should all cultivate our own fruit trees. Those who have green fingers should cultivate the vegetables in their small gardens. Suggestions       If we can increase our production of our local fruits, we would not need to buy them from farmers. This would allow our farmers to focus on exporting their fruits overseas, making Malaysia a net exporter of local fruits.       Here are some suggestions for everyo

A Thousand and One Licenses...

  It is about time for the government to ease the conduct of businesses in the country.           I remember many years ago, Royal Selangor Pewter's founder Yong Poh Kon was asked to helm the Pemudah initiative. As a result, the procedures of certain government agencies were simplified.            This was an important initiative as bureaucrats are always seeking for quick `solutions' by introducing more licenses.  Too Costly to Operate A Legitimate Business          It goes without saying that with the creation of one additional license, it also means an opportunity for government officials who are on the take to ask for undertable money.           In some cases, it takes months before a license is issued, as the approval has to go through several stages. Unless it is "fasttracked", business people have always complained that bribery is a major problem whenever they have to apply for these licenses.          It is only at the stage of approval but at the enforcement

Fahmi's role as Minister of Information

  This portfolio `Minister of Information' is the traditional role of what is currently known as the Ministry of Communications and Digital, and its minister is none other than Fahmi Fadzil.            To date, we have one of the youngest and better looking ministers to helm the ministry for the first time. Previous ministers such as Mohamad Rahmat still rings a bell.            Since taking over the ministry, I have noticed that Fahmi has been in the limelight very often.           This goes without saying since he enjoys good relations with the press and he now has Bernama to support the government of the day.  Important Role          It will not be long before his critics out to destroy the Unity Government will start hitting out at Fahmi, claiming that he is always hogging the limelight.           They will do this just to create a sense of jealousy amongst his own colleagues in his own party, with the aim of splitting the party.           Let me prepare Fahmi for this in advan

What Enemies? They Have a Job to Perform as Lawmakers. They Have to Remain Professional to Stay Sane

  Is my vision getting worse these days? Or, does Syed Saddiq have a twin? Maybe, the four clowns? No, but there is a double Syed Saddiq. Ah, the three stooges then. Have fun guys.... Ah, look at this lau tah aka Pak Long from my Monash days with a beaming smile. And look at the rose among the thorns and the colour of her hair.... people say while men start to lose their hair as sign of old age, women get sweeter as they advance in years. That's the evidence for you.   Today marks an important part of Malaysian history. Anwar Ibrahim has won the vote of confidence in the Dewan Rakyat.          An old friend of mine sent me the above two pictures, with these words and I quote:                My dear friend, how I wish the late Tan Sri Ani Arope were around to witness this day in our history.            I have always said  and I would like to say it again.           Parliamentarians have a job to perform in parliament. They are supposed to debate on issues and bring forth as many dif

Mahiaddin, Negara Jangan Dibinasakan

  Negara sudah semakin papa dan hancur di bawah pimpinan mantan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin sebelum ini.           Menganiayai mandat rakyat pada PRU14, beliau yang nama sebenarnya Mahiaddin dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri. Selepas saja PRU15, apabila diminta oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong (SPDA) untuk membina sebuah kerajaan perpaduan, beliau enggan menjunjung kasih titah Tuanku serta meninggalkan istana serta-merta.           Mahiaddin tidak sepatutnya merajuk kerana ini titah Tuanku untuk memastikan kerajaan yang stabil boleh ditubuhkan dan bukannya kerajaan syok sendiri yang hanya bermaharajalela 17 bulan sementara kerajaan Ismail Sabri Yaakob hanya 15 bulan.            Dalam tempoh lebih kurang 4 tahun, kita sudah melihat tiga perdana menteri. Cukuplah, Mahiaddin dan Hadi Awang! Kerajaan Perpaduan sudah ditubuhkan, mulalah sekarang bekerjasama untuk membangunkan negara. Mahiaddin Menolak Titah Tuanku          Oleh kerana itulah SPDA meminta pemimpin Pak

Focusing on Improving the Maintenance Culture of our Public Transport Systems

              I wish to thank Deputy Vice President, Marketing & Sales Management ERL Sdn Bhd, Sheila Shamsudin for her response to assure us that ERL is well-managed.           It is always reassuring when we, as concerned citizens, are informed that there is indeed a scheduled overhaul of ERL trains for every 1.5 million km.         This, I believe, is the manufacturer’s requirements to ensure the efficiency of each train set.           Given that ERL claims it has a 99.7 percent on-time performance record, I would not dispute the company’s claim, except that I believe my source had no vested interest, when it was a mere conversation over a meal, when he just mentioned in passing that he was shocked to see the condition of the trains during the overhaul,  which he was, of course, referring to Bombardier set of trains operated by another company.         Bombardier is a reputable company, but it is the culture of the maintenance that we were talking about. The same set of t

Open Letter to the newly-minted State Assembly of Pahang: Our Tropical Rainforests, Our Pride

  Rafflesia  By Stephen Ng                First, allow me to congratulate Pahang Menteri Besar Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail and his new state exco, especially the newly-minted state exco in charge of unity, tourism and culture, Leong Yu Man.               The state of Pahang has a lot to catch up on with the rest of the country in terms of development and infrastructure.               To many of us who are living in the city, the moment we talk about Pahang, we think of the many beautiful eco-tourist destinations such as Tasik Cini, Taman Negara, the Cameron Highlands and Pulau Tioman. Recently, when chatting with friends from Singapore about spending their holiday in Malaysia, I realised that many of them have never even experienced living in an eco-tourist resort. To our Singaporean friends who are only familiar with the concrete jungle, they are seriously looking into spending a few nights in one of the eco-tourist resorts that I have featured before in Voiz.Asia.