MPs are only 10% correct when they say they are not longkang MPs


        When Subang Jaya state assemblywoman, Michelle Ng wrote this,

michelle.ngmeisze Throwback to SS15/2-3 KRT's Christmas 🎄 Celebration! When I attend programmes, it's so that I can meet residents and listen to the pulse on the ground. I also take the opportunity to listen to issues that needs to be addressed and provide an update about state policies and local matters.

#SubangJayaKitaPunya #KitaSelangor

        I wrote on her Instagram to further reinforce the message to her and other elected representatives that they are not elected to live on the ivory tower: That’s the way to go! I do not know who distorted the whole thing before this to the point that MPs think their job is just on policy matters. They are not wrong but only 10% correct

        To make sure that all MPs and State Assemblymen get my message, I have emphasised once again: MPs job is not to live on ivory tower to craft out the national policies. 

        Although I do not dispute such statement, such ideal can only happen when we have a good local government, which is the third tier of government. 

        This is why Anwar Ibrahim and Minister of Local Government and Development, Nga Kor Ming, and the entire cabinet have an unenviable task to perform - to reform the local councils in the country. 

        Why I say that those people who claim that MP's job is not to look into public drains and other local issues is because such ideal can only happen in countries like the UK. 

        They are not wrong. It's indeed the job of MPs to look into policy matters to rectify the system, but they are only 10% correct. 

        Reason: You won't be able to work on the policies until you have spent 90 percent of your time on the ground understanding the pains that the pain go through. 

        Like the iceberg floating on the sea. What you see is only 10% and the other 90% is under water to keep it afloat. 

        Didn't we also hear from Thomas Edison that success is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration? 

        So, with this, I hope to encourage Tony Pua to spend the next five years to spend more time on the ground in the next five years and build his grassroots support first before returning into active politics. 

        Pardon me for using this title. It's just to capture some attention.

 Listen to their Heart Cries 

        I am not even an MP and I have no intention to be one, yet I am aware of so many of people's heartaches:

  • A proprietress of an eco-resort is currently facing retaliation from the authorities for exposing illegal logging. The case will be of public interest once it goes to court.
  • Another proprietress had to close down her cafe in Ampang Park. The incident began when someone accused them of blocking their entrance. The case went to court and the cafe operator won the case, but because of the powerful cables, DBKL closed down the cafe. After three years, although they had spent over RM100k, and thousands after the incident, the court case is still pending.
  • Another friend is in court right now because she wanted to educate people about financial scams. 

        Various MPs including Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers have been contacted, but no one seems to be bothered like the way how Imraz Ikhbal, a simple Muslim man, stood up for a Chinese trader who was oppressed when he merely wanted to carry out an honest business. 


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