When the Empire strikes back....

PRIME MINISTER Anwar Ibrahim has hit the nail on the head once again, with his call to the public, especially the youth movements to reject corruption, abuse of power and oppression.

        Because corruption is a major issue in the country, and the Opposition knows it, they are doing their best to topple Anwar. Most people I have spoken to before the formation of the Unity Government chose not to support Anwar because they knew this was coming. 

        In fact, before the last general election, they were telling me that they would rather vote for Perikatan Nasional than to vote for Anwar. 

        If you have watched Anwar: The Untold Story (<= to watch, click the link), you will realise that as early as the late 90s, the rumours had already been going around that if Anwar took over the premiership some day, he would fight against corruption in the country.

        It took him 25 years before we see this fight against corruption, nepotism and cronyism being unfolded. For the first time, I have seen the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) willing to go after the big fishes. There are many cases nearly every week where individuals have been charged in court. 

The Empire Strike Back

        Producer of the original Star Wars trilogy, Gary Kurtz reminds us to expect that the "empire" will strike back. 

        Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia are not going to have it easy especially when the enemy is the Emperor of the malevolent Galactic Empire, whose powerful disciple, Darth Vader was a formidable force, not easy to be defeated. 

        Like Luke Skywalker's rebel team, Anwar's team is very small by comparison to the myriads in the Opposition (especially PAS), the civil servants, and the general public who are now leaning their support towards the Empire. 

        Not forgeting those who are invovled in smuggling subsidised diesel and hoarding controlled items in order to raise the prices. Check this later.        

        We have to remember that currently former prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak is still in prison and his supporters are angry that Anwar did nothing to release him. 

        Another former prime minister, Muhyiddin Yassin is facing indictment; he is charged with corruption and money laundering. Both Najib and Muhyiddin represent another two factions of Malay voters who want Anwar removed, too. 

        Although most non-Muslims would not buy the PAS ideology, their target is to capture more Malay votes, especially those in the civil service. But Malay votes are not sufficient for them to form the next government; therefore, Darth Vader whose powerful underlings will continue to sway the other voters. 

        One must never forget that there are also dark horses within the government's civil service, including those who have risen to high ranks. They are forced to serve the government of the day, but because of the combat against corruption has begun, their gravy train is drying up. Would they wish Anwar to remain in power? Of course, not! 

        For a long time, the question of whether the "deep state" exists in Malaysia has been debated. I consulted Chat GPT with this one question, "What do you call the dark forces in governments that are at work?" Its response is amazing, and unbiased: 

The term "deep state" is often used to refer to the dark forces at work within a government. It implies a network of individuals within the government, military, or other powerful institutions who operate independently of elected officials and are thought to influence or control policy and decision-making from behind the scenes. Other terms that may be used include "shadow government" or "hidden power structures."

        If ChatGPT could acknowledge that such 'dark forces' exist, the debate should not even focus on whether it exists. Instead, it is to what extent and how Anwar and his team are able to counter the dark forces. 

       How can we help?

        The Rebel Alliance, led by Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, and the Reformasi Movement led by Anwar are a minority by comparison. 

        From my observations, even within Anwar's team, there are a number of people who are not aligned to him. These people have their own agenda to rise in their political career, and once they are there, they are only focused on their own agenda, not that of the rakyat. 

        This is why you do not see the reforms that are promised by Keadilan (PKR). Some promises have to be given more thought, for example, implementing council elections can only mean opening the door for those with deep pockets to sit on the council's coffers in the future. Instead of local council elections, the government has to appoint men and women who are trustworthy to helm the local councils. 

        But having dealt with politicians in the past and present, there are more in Anwar's team today who are focused on solving the problems on the ground. I have dealt with a number of them, but the main problems I encounter are from some of the civil servants. 

        For example, the home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said in a news clip that national language competency test conducted for the stateless people should focus on ability to converse, but the National Registration Department (JPN) has yet to implement the new policy. 

        It insists that a childhood neighbour of mine now in his 70s, and a tax payer through his family's hardware shop (now, a warehouse), was told that he needed to sit for written test. He had failed in his oral test, and one of the question asked of him was, "What is the name of the present King?" 

        My conclusion: If we want the Empire to return, by all means accept the past and help it to defeat Luke Skywalker. But, rest assured there will not be another Luke Skywalker for at least the next one or two decades, as the moment the Empire gains its territory, it will continue to suppress and oppress any form of rebellion. 

Also read:


Please read and share: https://come-to-senses.blogspot.com/2024/07/when-empire-strikes-back.html

Also listen to this video: https://come-to-senses.blogspot.com/2024/06/singaporean-commentator-anwar-is-making.html




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